6 - Bag of Cobras

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Book: Marshall Twins
Chapter 6
Word Count: 1237

A bunch of people were walking around with decorations. Avery and Hayley walked in with confused looks on their faces. They noticed Klaus looking down at them from the Abbattoir balcony.

"We were heading out, and now we're throwing a party? I see." Avery sighed.

"One that will be attended by New Orleans' most influential creatures." Klaus smirked.

"You do realize that everyone hates you?" Hayley pointed out.

"But they love Marcel." Klaus shot back. "And as the invite states, he is the co-host. Tonight, we celebrate our truce."

"So you're throwing a fake party, in honor of a fake truce, and your guest of honor is in a dungeon?" Hayley scoffed. Klaus started to walk down the stairs.

"Marcel's attendance would only complicate matters. Besides, I'll have my hands full, weeding out those in league with The Hollow."

"Have fun with that." Avery said. "Hope and Miracle are with Mary. Hayley and I are just looking for Freya."

"What do you need of her?" Klaus wondered. Avery shrugged in response.

"Just a favor."


At Rousseau's, Keelin threw a dart at the dartboard and it landed in the middle. People around her cheered.

"I like her for what it's worth." Avery commented to Freya, who laughed.

"Uh, all the same, I should have told you guys she was still here. I'm sorry I didn't."

"Well, you can make up for it by doing us a favor." Hayley spoke. "Ave?"

"I learned about the man who killed our parents. He was connected to The Hollow. We were just babies when they were killed. We don't remember it, but I... I do know where they were killed. I was hoping maybe with your spells, and your witchcraft..." Avery trailed off.

"You want me to do a reading." Freya realised. "Guys, violent death has a very specific energy. I could conjure up whatever there is to see, but you might not like it."

"I don't think we have a choice." Hayley sighed.


Hayley, Avery, and Freya pulled up to an abandoned house and got out of the car. They walked inside and shone their flashlights around. The inside of the house was unkempt and looked abandoned.

"Are you positive this will work?" Hayley wondered.

"I can feel the energy that was trapped in here when your parents died. So, yeah, it'll work." Freya replied. "But are you sure you want to?"

Hayley simply nodded in return, looking around and picking certain things up.

"I've always wondered what our parents might've been like, what they might've thought of us. Missing these people we never even knew." Avery sighed. "But if this can help us fight the thing that came after my daughters, then let's get it over and done with."

"You ready?" After receiving nods from the Marshall twins, Freya began chanting softly. "Ostende det siste. Ostende det siste. Ostende det siste. Ostende det siste. Ostende det siste. Ostende det siste. Ostende det siste."


"We can't let them find it!" Avery and Hayley's father panicked.

"We need all four of them." An unknown man growled.

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