10 - There in the Disappearing Light

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Book: Marshall Twins
Chapter 10
Word Count: 2610

Klaus and Miracle were in the courtyard. Klaus fell onto a table, breaking it, after letting Miracle unleash her rage on him. He stood, looking at his eldest daughter.

"Do it again. Harder, this time. All that pain, that simmering darkness. You need to purge it before it eats you alive."


"Give me your anger, Miracle!" Klaus raised his voice, cutting Miracle off.

That was all it took for Miracle to scream furiously and swing her arms in Klaus' direction, sending him flying into a wall. He sat up, breathing heavily as he leaned against the wall with blood on his forehead.

"It's not working!" Miracle exclaimed in frustration.

"You're holding back."

At Klaus' words, Miracle turned to him angrily.

"You really think I wanna feel this way?! No matter how hard I try to get it out, I don't feel any better! You're not the one I wanna hurt!"

That last sentence made Klaus freeze as a determined look entered his eyes.

"Give me a name." 


Roman was tied up in the dungeon of the compound. Klaus tossed a bucket of water at Roman, waking him and causing him to cough. He looked at Klaus in alarm, trying to break the chains binding him.

"Have you decided how you're going to kill him?" Klaus asked someone in the room, who Roman couldn't see.


That voice made Roman look towards the shadows, where he was able to see a faint outline of a person. He'd recognize that voice anywhere.

"Miracle?" Just from one look, Roman knew something was different with them.

"I wanna do this alone." Miracle told her dad.

"What?" Roman frowned, feeling scared. Miracle ignored him and continued to speak to her father.

"This is supposed to help me feel better, right?"

"What's wrong with her?" Roman wondered, turning to glance at Klaus.

"She has an affliction." The original hybrid responded, walking around him. "For which your pain is momentary comfort."

"My pain?" Roman repeated, even more scared.

"Mm-hm. But I don't want an audience." Miracle murmured.

"Miracle... I-I could go and get Hope if you'd like! I'm sure she would--"

"No." Miracle cut Klaus off. "I don't want her involved in this anymore. I'm the older twin, I'm supposed to be protecting her. That starts now."

"As you wish..." Klaus sighed, before walking away and closing the gate.

"Hey, wait, you're not actually gonna leave me here with her, are you?" Roman called after him, but Klaus was already gone. "HEY!"

Miracle walked closer, glaring at Roman. She placed a knife down on a table, facing away from Roman as she tried to keep her anger at bay. For now.

"I know you won't believe this, but I've been trying to see you, to apologize, okay? I want us to be friends again!" Roman informed.

"You're right. I don't believe it." Miracle snapped, raising her hand to inflict pain upon Roman, letting the slow torture begin.

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