19 - No More Heartbreaks

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Book: Marshall Twins
Chapter 19
Word Count: 1208

Camille was sat on the sofa, looking around wearily, looking very pale, and seemingly could not hear Hayley stood beside her, calling her name.

"Cami, Cami? Cami, hey. Are you alright?" Hayley walked towards her and sat on the sofa opposite.

"Yeah. Considering." Cami murmured. Avery then suddenly walked over to Cami, carrying a cloth and an open jar, Freya and Klaus following behind her.

"Hold still. This is going to burn." Avery spoke, sitting down on the sofa next to Cami. Avery took Cami's arm, pressing the cloth to the bite that Lucien had inflicted on poor Cami.

Cami gasped in pain immediately as the substance on the cloth irritated the bite.

"Ow, ow, what is that?"

"It's a healing salve. Motherwort, white willow bark, the recipe's over a thousand years old." Freya informed.

"So, the good stuff, huh?" Cami chuckled weakly.

"It will ease the pain, dull the symptoms, but it won't stop the infection." Freya said. Cami frowned, worried.

"So, I'm screwed."

"We're gonna do everythingg that we can, Cami." Avery reassured. Elijah then walked into the room, followed by Vincent.

"To that end, a little assistance."

"Cami, I'm so sorry." Vincent whispered.

"You should be, this is your fault. It was you who turned Lucien into a beast." Klaus growled, beginning to advance on Vincent, but Elijah stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"Klaus, stop. It's not his fault." Cami defended.

"Cami's right. We all need to work together to fix this." Hayley added.

"Yeah, yeah, I think I know how to fix it. Lucien has always been obsessed with me, he made himself like me, my bite is cured by my blood." Klaus pointed out.

"Do you think his blood can save her?" Avery asked. Elijah nodded.

"It makes sense. Lucien would want that power."

"Allowing him to Lord himself over his victims." Klaus murmured.

"Okay, so we got a working theory, now we gotta test it!" Vincent exclaimed.

"Lucien's blood is all over my apartment, I sliced him all to hell before I ran." Cami mentioned. Vincent nodded.

"Okay, I got this one, Lucien's got no reason to be on the lookout for me." He left.

"Maybe we hedge our bets. Hope and Miracle are Mikaelson witches who both carry the wolf gene, we already know that they've got healing powers." Avery stated. 

"It's worth a try." Freya shrugged.

"I'll tell Mary that I'm coming." Avery told, then turned to Hayley. "Please watch Cami. Keep her comfortable and well-fed. Not blood, though... the bite will make Cami have a bad reaction to blood."

"Okay, see you soon." Hayley said. Avery then left.


Avery, and Elijah stopped their car close to Mary's Cabin. Avery turned towards Elijah, swinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Mary doesn't want vampires near her Cabin, it's probably better that you stay here."

"She is aware that you, Hayley, Hope, and Miracle are under my protection?" Elijah wondered. Avery nodded before sighing.

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