13 - Crescent City

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Book: Marshall Twins
Chapter 13
Word Count: 7015

At Lafayette Cemetery, a loud heartbeat was heard inside the Deveaux tomb. Monique Deveraux opened her eyes and started screaming for help when she realized that she was trapped in her grave, though her voice was raspy and quiet from disuse.


At St. Anne's Church, Father Kieran was holding the first mass since the massacre.

"Thank you all for coming. It means more than I can tell you. We gather today for the first public service of our newly reopened church. St. Anne's can finally once again be the heart of our community, where we can congregate as a people united. Here, this hour, we come together to praise God and give thanks. The events that took place at our church were tragic." Kieran explained.

He continued his sermon while Klaus and Marcel, who were sitting next to each other in the pew, started to talk quietly. Marcel saw a red-haired woman he recognized across the church, but he couldn't get a proper look at her.

"Problem?" Klaus asked Marcel, who slowly shook his head.


"Then pay attention. We're meant to seem like devoted parishioners." Klaus whispered.

"...and it is that hope in our hearts, and with the help of many benefactors, that allows us to be here today. So, we gather with renewed spirit, made stronger, committed to the ideals of peace and love. Amen." Kieran finished.

"Amen." The church attendants repeated.


In the cemetery, Celeste (possessing Sabine's body) lead her tour guide through the rows of tombs.

"Each tomb is well cared for. Families honor their dead with display of affection and respect." Celeste said.

Still trapped inside her grave, Monique called out for help, but the group outside didn't hear her.

"Is someone there?!" She yelled.

"This place belongs to the Deveraux family, known throughout the Quarter for their strong connection to witchcraft." Celeste continued.

"Please help me!" Monique panicked.

"And, if you look close, these fresh bricks tell us someone in the family has recently fallen." Celeste went on.

Desperate, Monique screamed. The tourists looked disturbed by the noise. Suddenly, Monique used her magic to blast the wall of bricks out of the way, causing her to tumble out of the tomb. The tourists were frightened, though some began taking pictures with their cameras. Celeste seemed unperturbed by this revelation, though, and simply crouched down to smile at her.

"Hello, Monique. Welcome back to the land of the living."


More tourists were taking pictures of Monique's empty grave. Sophie entered the cemetery, both confused and horrified when she saw the state of her family's tomb. However, when she ran inside the crypt, she found Celeste and Monique waiting for her.

"What is it? What's going on?" Sophie questioned, not seeing Monique's face yet.

"It's a miracle." Celeste smiled.

When Sophie saw Monique, she gasped, unable to believe what she was seeing.

"Monique? You're alive!" Sophie exclaimed.

She rushed over to her niece and gave her a big hug. Sophie was thrilled to see her, but Monique seemed less enthusiastic.


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