8 - Voodoo in My Blood

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Book: Marshall Twins
Chapter 8
Word Count: 3694

The jawbone was on a table, within a boundary spell so no one could get to it, circling around, making a scraping sound on the table.

Hope and Miracle were both standing next to the table, circling around it like the jawbone was, watching it curiously. She could hear whispering voices in the air around her, looking up. Avery walked up to them from behind.

"Girls, what's going on?"

"Mom? Can you hear them, too?" Hope questioned, just as Klaus entered the room.

"What's going on?"

Avery knelt down in front of both of her daughters, grabbing their hands in hers.

"Look at me. Tell me what you heard."

"Voices. They said that we're connected to this. You, Hopey, and me." Miracle informed.

"If this fossil has been whispering lies, I'll gladly throw it in the river." Klaus volunteered.

"No. Not the bone. The witches. The Ancestors." Miracle responded.

"They have a message for us. A warning." Hope added.

"Tell me what they said." Avery gently instructed to the two seven year olds.

"They want you to go to St. Anne's Church to talk to them. They said you have to do exactly what they say, and you have to do it now." Hope stated.

"Before the Hollow comes for us..." Miracle whispered.


Avery was about to leave when Hayley stopped her.

"Please don't go."

"Hales, the whole point of you and Elijah going to Vincent was to get the Ancestors on our side." Avery sighed. "Find the bones, stop the Hollow from getting her body back..."

"Why are you doing this?" Hayley murmured quietly.

"Because they've asked me to." Avery replied.

"We are at war with a creature we barely understand, Ave!" Hayley reminded.

"That's the point. We don't understand this thing or how to stop it. But one thing is for sure... we need help. And I'm gonna go get it." Avery stated, before storming out.


Klaus and Avery walked into St. Anne's Church.

"It's quiet." Avery pointed out.

"If course it's quiet. It's a trap." Klaus realised.

"We don't know that." Avery shot back.

"New Orleans witches have hated my family for three centuries. Of course it's a trap." Klaus scoffed.

"The coven protects their own. Hope and Miracle are two of them now. They're part of their legacy." Avery mentioned.

"Hope and Miracle are far cries from a French Quarter fortune-teller. And while we're on the subject, they're seven. If anyone wants to talk to them, they should ask my permission." Klaus said.

"You're gonna be a lot of fun when they start dating." Avery chuckled.

"I'm gonna be a perfect gentleman. And should any of their partners fail to meet my expectations, I'll compel them to the priesthood." Klaus smirked, just as two girls showed themselves. Their names being Amy and Jessica. "Oh, look, Harvest Girls. I assume you speak on behalf of your Ancestors."

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