5 - Red Door

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Book: Marshall Twins
Chapter 5
Word Count: 2508

Avery, Ariana, and Hayley arrived at the apartment to visit Marcel, who they found pouring himself a drink at his bar.

"So, those werewolf kids you helped get out of the Quarter made it to the safe house up north." Hayley smiled at Marcel gratefully, and he seemed pleased by this news.

"Great! My good deed for the decade."

"Maybe the vampires and us free wolves can work together after all." Avery chuckled. Marcel smiled.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend!"

"Anyway, thanks... for helping." Avery said. Marcel shook his head.

"Don't thank me. Thank Elijah."

Avery frowned.

"We would have, but I can't get a hold of him. We went to the compound, thinking he'd be there..."

"Really? I thought you always have tabs on him?" Marcel questioned.

"We haven't really been on the best terms lately." Avery muttered awkwardly.

"He wouldn't just disappear, though." Ariana added. Marcel processed that information for a moment.

"Uh, last I knew, he was gonna keep the wolves distracted. Your boy Oliver was gonna help."

"I couldn't track down Oliver, either." Avery informed, worried. Hayley, Ariana, and Marcel all frowned in concern. "If they're both missing..." Avery realized that Elijah must've been in trouble, and turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" Hayley wondered. Avery glanced back at her twin.

"To find them."

"Not on your own, you're not." Marcel set down his drink. He, Ariana, and Hayley all rushed after Avery as she walked out of the apartment.


It was daylight now, and Klaus was feeding on the bodies of the recently dead partiers to replenish his strength.

Suddenly, his phone rang, and Klaus reluctantly answered it. It was Avery. Klaus panted and tried to catch his breath as he greeted her.

"Uh, I'm a tad busy. What is it, Avery?"

"Something has happened to Elijah. He was supposed to be our decoy last night, and now he's vanished. There's blood everywhere — werewolf and vampire. There's a trail. I need you to help us track it."

"Well, as much as I might like to help you find my brother, I have more pressing matters at the moment."

"What's more important than your own brother?"

"My life. Davina had Mikael on a magical leash, and it broke. Now Mikael has Tunde's blade, the white oak stake, and Cami. I'm gonna get her back. And then, I'm gonna end this. Either Mikael or I will be ash by day's end. And, if you do find my brother, please, tell him I could do with a hand?"

Klaus hung up.


Elijah was chained up in a crypt while Lenore/Esther talked with him.

"You're distorting my memories! It was you who killed Tatia!" Elijah yelled.

"Oh, I used her blood to bind the spell that suppressed Niklaus' werewolf aspect. But, by the time you brought her to me, she was already dead." Esther explained.

Elijah looked at his mother in horror and disbelief.

"You can't rewrite history!"

"No, I cannot. And I did not. Not until I had your consent." Esther muttered. "When you became yourself again, you brought her to me. But, too late. I told you that you were a good son, to let me take care of it. That I could help make it all go away."

Marshall Twins [2 - Twins Series]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin