End of story special :)

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Okay, I know I finished this book over a month ago, but I keep coming back to it with the urge to add something to it but I never knew what I wanted to add, until I decided on this special chapter that is not really a chapter but sort of is!!

Let's start with... THE POSSIBLE ENDINGS!!!

1) Avery never dies
I was originally thinking that I didn't want to kill off another oc so I was going to have no one dying at the hands of Greta, so all of them got their 'happily ever after' and they found a way to kill Greta without sacrificing themselves, too. That would mean that Hope and Miracle would live happier lives with their mom. However, Klaus would probably still end up sacrificing himself, but Elijah wouldn't die by his side because he still had Avery in his life, keeping him in place. So, Klaus would still unfortunately die in the end, Avery would live to watch their daughters grow up, she and Elijah would get married and Elijah would try to fit in as like a second father for the girls. A father more than an uncle, anyway.

2) Hayley takes Avery's place
We all know the bond that Avery and Hayley have is super strong, so there was a moment when I was going to make Hayley save Avery and sacrifice herself instead, dying with Greta. If that were to happen, there would be a similar outcome. Klaus would still die, Elijah and Avery would end up getting married, but they'd leave New Orleans all together to be away from any sad memory of Hayley and they'd go live down in Mystic Falls to be closer to the girls' school. Avery would never truly recover over the loss of her twin sister, and the girls would still hear her crying most nights when she'd think everyone was asleep.


Season 4 TVD
Avery heads to Mystic Falls with Hayley in search of answers about their parents, but to get those very important answers, they needed to betray their hybrid friends first and hand them over to Klaus. But it was just like salt in the wound when Avery took things one step further and even slept with the enemy, having a steamy one-nighter with Klaus before leaving to New Orleans with Hayley the next day.

Season 1 TO
As soon as she set foot in New Orleans, Avery was soon met with a startling discovery: she was pregnant with big bad hybrid Klaus' baby, but it wasn't just a baby... there were two new heartbeats. Twins!! So, while both Avery and Hayley are pulled into the drama that comes with association to the Mikaelsons, Avery juggles the struggles of being pregnant while also beginning to question her quickly developing feelings for both Elijah.

Season 2
After giving birth to two beautiful baby girls, Avery's werewolf life came to an end, but her babies managed to save her by leaving blood in her system so she was reborn a hybrid! Determined to get her babies back, Avery was a little too late. Sure, the little ones were safe, but that didn't mean that Avery got them back. They were sent away for protection, and the loss of her children sent Avery spiraling deeper and deeper, only to be recovered when she was finally able to reunite with her children, Hope and Miracle.

Season 3
As Avery tries to handle the loss of her husband, Jackson, she attempts to keep it together around her loved ones... the only ones who could see right through that were Klaus, Hayley, and Elijah, who had finally admitted to himself that he had fallen in love with Avery.

Season 4
Five years later, while the Mikaelsons were all put down one way or another, it seemed like only Avery and Hayley cared enough to find ways to bring each one of them home while also trying their best to raise Hope and Miracle, who were now seven years old... and, for the first time since they met, Avery and Elijah finally decided to give a relationship a go.

Season 5
Seven years later, the Mikaelsons were doomed once again, scattered to the ends of the earth. Elijah was one of them, but he was worse. He had no recollection of the Mikaelsons at all, including Avery. He had no idea who she was. But she still made time to go and visit him in France, leaving teenage Hope and Miracle in the hands of Hayley and Freya. But it seemed like no one could positively associate themselves with the Mikaelsons without being doomed from the start... Avery should've gotten out while she still could, because in the end, she was a Mikaelson. And in the end, that ultimately led to the sacrifice of the century... sacrificing herself for family.

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