17: ☆ christmas party ☆

Start from the beginning

"Oh Harry let me introduce you to some people," Slughorn appeared by our side right as we came in and lugged Harry off. I guess he wasn't that mad at Harry for last weeks intrusive conversation. He gave me an apologetic look as he was whisked away, leaving me to the floor by myself.

I stood by myself and smoothed my dress a bit. I recognized a couple people but for the most part I was unfamiliar with the students.

The music was hardly the kind you could jam to by yourself, so I settled on leaning against the wall and watching the people mingle in front of me. Many of them were 7th years, and most likely accomplished potion students, which I was not.

My gaze fell on a particular couple who was also secluding themselves in the corner, but not in a way that they wanted to be noticed, in fact it seemed almost the opposite.

The two were loosely holding on to each other's hands and whispering conversation, a smile atop both their faces. I stared in admiration as I suddenly felt Fred's missing presence. It was times like these when I wished he was by my side.

I couldn't help but think what he was doing on this cold Saturday night. The snow had built upon itself around the castle and I could only expect the weather was the same at their shop.

Was he having hot chocolate with George, coming up with another clever idea to sell? No. He would be drinking cold butterbeer even in his weather. I smiled at the thought but then it disappeared when I remembered Tara was with them.

Stupid girl. Being the person with Fred right now and giving him company while it should've been me. I knew the mindset I had was not going to get any brighter so I tried to look around and distract myself since Harry hadn't returned yet.

Suddenly, Neville walked past me and I grabbed his arm in surprise.

"Neville?" I turned and saw he was dressed in the same outfit as the servers at the party.

"Hey Violet! Crab cake?" He stuck out the tray he was holding.

"Why are you serving food?"

"I didn't make it into the club," Neville shrugged, "only makes sense. My real academic achievements are in Herbology anyways. I really think you should try one of these crab cakes."

I hesitantly grabbed the food off the plater, "Well thanks for the recommendation."

"Of course!" He smiled back at me brightly, "by the way i'm really sorry for what happened at the three broomsticks," and he started walking off.

"I'm sorry what?" I said hurriedly, stopping him.

"You know the poisoned butterbeer," Neville said as if it was the most obvious thing, "Dean told us he took a sip of your drink. Scary to think it got in there without you even knowing." I stared back at him puzzled with the way he connected the dots without me telling him.

"Yeah you're right it is strange..." I answered.

"Probably best you get a méreg defector. Avoid that from happening again. Enjoy the party!" He finished and went walked away to another group offering the crab cakes. What the heck was a méreg detector?

Either way it looked like I was alone again. I took a seat on one of the couches in the corner of my room and decided to stay there. This 'party' more so seemed like a place to network with people.

I saw a flash of a light pink dress and knew that Hermione was here. Walking over to her, I noticed that whoever her date was, he wasn't with her.

"Hermione?" I called and she turned to me quickly.

Irresistible - f.weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now