Meeting Winn's Family!

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As the Barry and Kara continued to tell Eilidh some stories, Winn had ordered food for them all. As he was heading back into the living room to join his friends, he heard the front door open and then close again. Winn smiled at his wife and headed over to her, giving her a kiss. He asked "how are my two favourite girls doing". Winn's wife smiled and replied "little Mary has really missed her daddy". Winn smiled and took the little girl from his wife and asked "have you been a good little girl for your mommy". The little girl giggled and said "da-da". Winn smiled and said "you're getting so big, aren't you". He then smiled at his wife and asked "are you ready to meet my friends". Winn's wife gave him a warm smile and a nod before saying "yeah I am honey". Winn led his wife to the living room and smiled when he heard, Barry, Kara and Eilidh all laughing. The Schott's heard Eilidh giggle a little and ask "so wait you were both trapped in a musical by someone called the music meister, why would he mess with the Flash and Supergirl". Winn felt his wife grip onto his arm before she pulled him back into the hallway. She whispered "why didn't you tell me that your friends are the Flash and Supergirl, I knew you were friends with them but I didn't know it was them coming over for dinner, why didn't you say". Winn smiled and replied "I wanted it to be a surprise, I know I should have told you but you probably wouldn't have come home in case you embarrassed yourself but they will love you Ayla, they are amazing people". Ayla nodded and took Winn's hand. She took a deep breath and smiled at Winn who then asked her "ready". Ayla nodded and walked with Winn into the living room.

Barry, Kara and Eilidh smiled at the Schott's once they noticed that they had come into the room. Kara gushed at the little girl that Winn was holding. She asked "is this....". Winn smiled and wrapped his arm around Ayla's waist and said "this is my wife Ayla and our daughter Mary". Barry smiled and said "you two have a beautiful daughter". Ayla smiled and said "thanks...". Barry smiled and replied "Barry, Barry Allen and this is my lovely fiancé Kara Danvers". Ayla smiled and said "its nice too meet you both". Eilidh smiled and waved at Ayla. Ayla smiled and waved back. She asked "I bet you are excited about meeting your ancestors aren't you". Eilidh nodded with a massive smile and replied "very, its the best day of my life, after dinner Great Grandpa Barry is gonna teach me and Great Grandma Kara how to phase". Ayla asked "yeah, are you looking forwards too it". Eilidh nodded again and exclaimed "I can't wait, it's going to be sooooo fun". Kara giggled and said "yeah it will be fun, we'll come back here afterwards to say our goodbyes before we had back home". Winn and Ayla smiled at them before taking a seat on the other couch. Winn asked "so when do you think you will be having the wedding". Kara smiled and replied "we both want a winter wedding, so it will probably be close to Christmas, it gives us a lot of time to plan the wedding and get things organised". Winn smiled and replied "well we can't wait to be there then". Kara smiled and said "me too, I wish the day could come faster, that way I can be Kara Allen sooner". Barry smile and pecked Kara on the temple as she snuggled into his side. 

They were interrupted when there was a knock at the door. Winn handed Mary over to his wife and pecked her on the cheek before saying "I'll get it". Barry smiled and said "I'll help". He pecked Kara on the lips before getting up and following after Winn to help with the food. Kara smiled as she watched Barry leave the room. Ayla asked "how long have you two been together for". Kara smiled and said "for us and our friends and family, just over five months, to others because of the Crisis that happened, since we were sixteen". Ayla smiled and said "I just can't believe that I got to meet the Flash and Supergirl". Eilidh smiled and said "me too, I can't wait too tell dad when he gets back". Kara giggled and said "well it's nice to meet you both as well, we weren't expecting to run into our descendent, it was supposed to be a simple, tell Winn about our engagement, meet his family and then head home, but I think I prefer this, we got too see what Barry's Justice League idea turned into, we got to meet you and baby Mary, and we got to meet our amazing descendent". Eilidh smiled and asked "you think I'm amazing". Barry who had returned with Winn, with lots of food, said "Kara's right Eilidh, you are, you're a talented girl who can do anything you set your mind too, you remind me off us in a way and you're going to be a far better hero than me and Kara". Eilidh smiled and hugged Barry and Kara tightly once Kara had stood up to help her fiancé with the food he was carrying. Barry chuckled and hugged Eilidh back, as did Kara. Eilidh smiled and said "I love you both so much". Kara smiled and said "we love you too Eilidh". Eilidh sniffed and said "I'll miss you both when you have to leave". Barry smiled sadly at Eilidh and said "hey, you'll see us again ok, you can come with Winn, Ayla, Mon-El and Imra to our wedding". Eilidh asked "you promise". Barry nodded and said "pinkie promise". Eilidh giggled a little when she pulled away from the hug. She wrapped her pinkie around Barry's. Kara smiled and said "maybe you can stay for a couple of days too, you'll get too see what the world looked like a thousand years ago". Eilidh smiled and said "ok but I need to check with dad about that, but anyway, I'm starving, shall we eat". 

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