Catching up!

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Winn waved Mon-El and Imra over to where Barry and Kara where sat. He then sat down and waited for Mon-El and Imra to make their way over to them. He then smiled at the couple and said "it's good to see you again". Kara smiled and replied "it's good to see you too Winn, it's been a good few months since we last seen you and help you with your doppelganger". Winn asked "really, it's only been a day for me, I just got back yesterday". Kara asked "really, that was yesterday for you". Barry chuckled and said "time travel never gets any easier". Winn chuckled a little and said "it's still all quite new to me". Kara smiled at Mon-El and Imra as They approached the booth the three were sat at. Mon-El smiled and asked "what brings the Flash and Supergirl to the 31st Century". Kara smiled and replied "we came to visit you guys, it's been a long time since I've seen you both". Barry smiled nervously and added "and I've only ever met you once or twice, but I uh, I'm sorry I don't know you, I do have my memories of this timeline but....". Imra smiled slightly and replied "it's fine Barry, I'm Mon-El's wife". Kara said "we teamed up against Reign". Barry nodded in understanding. He chuckled and said "I guess we have a lot to catch you both up on then". Mon-El nodded and said "Winn told us you both started dating". Kara nodded and wrapped her arm around Barry's waist and rested her head on his shoulder. She beamed and replied "we've been together for just over five months". Mon-El smiled and asked "so what has Supergirl and Flash been up to". Imra whispered "maybe we should just refer to them as Barry and Kara, Mon, considering the Flash and Supergirl are still a pretty big deal". Kara asked "we are, even a thousand years after we became heroes". Winn nodded and said "oh yeah big time, your legacy outlived star wars by a good few hundred years, there is no one that doesn't know who you two are, well your superhero identities anyway". Kara said "wow, that's awesome isn't it Bar". Barry smiled and replied "yeah it's pretty cool babe". Kara asked "so is there anywhere more private for us to talk, we're almost done". Winn asked "how much burgers have you eaten Kara, it looks as if you've had way more than you normally eat...... Are you..." . Kara shook her head as a blush spread across her face. She said "no, not pregnant yet Winn". Barry smiled and said "we'll explain everything later". Imra said "there is one place that we can head to for privacy, do you guys want to see the hall of justice". Kara asked "it's still here, we've to still get it all up and running". Winn replied "oh yeah, it's in the same place, just bigger and better, we need to leave like right now and show you both". Mon-El chuckled and said "let them finish their food first Winn, we have plenty of time".

While Imra piloted the ship again, the others were all in deep conversation. Mon-El asked "so you two have a future daughter called Nora..... And she has a twin sister called Dawn". Barry smiled and replied "pretty much". Winn asked "and you lost your speed, then created your own speedforce". Barry nodded and said "we'll go into full detail later". Mon-El nodded and stated " but..... you then gave Kara a connection to the speedforce..... This I have to see". Kara giggled and vibrated her hand at super speed, showing off the Orange lightning sparking off her hand as she did so. Winn gasped and said "that is so cool". Kara smiled more and said "I'm glad I never get tired of food, it isn't that much more than I normally eat but it is starting to become an annoyance". Mon-El asked "food, an annoyance to Kara Danvers, I never thought I'd see the day, you always did like your pot stickers". Kara nodded and asked "you mean back when you'd do nothing but flirt with me". Mon-El asked "are you still annoyed about that Kara, I stopped doing it". Kara nodded and replied "eventually, but it was annoying, even when you knew that I liked Barry that way, and not you". Mon-El nodded and said "I know Kara, but..... You're trying not to laugh". Kara burst out laughing and rested her head on Barry's shoulder. Barry chuckled and said "dude, it was years ago, of course she's no longer annoyed about it". Kara giggled and nodded. She then smiled at Mon-El and stated "but if you do now, I know the perfect place to leave you, and I could easily take you there". Barry chuckled and said "Kara, you wouldn't be able to leave him in the vanishing point yourself". Kara pouted at Barry and said "you'd help your amazing fiance.... Right". Barry chuckled and pecked Kara on the lips, making her smile again. Winn's eyes widened in surprise. He asked "you're engaged". Kara smiled more and said "yeah, we know that it might seem rushed but we really do love each other, and with everything that happens, we shouldn't waste our time, 'waiting for the right moment', I mean why wouldn't I say yes to being my Barry's wife, I've wanted to be for the longest time, and now it's actually going to happen". Barry smiled and said "we've yet to start planning the wedding, we've been busy but that's why we're here, we wanted to tell you guys and you'll all be invited, we'll let you know the date once we've decided on one". Imra who had walked over, asked "did I hear that right, you two are engaged". Kara nodded with a massive smile as she exclaimed "yup". Imra smiled and said "congrats guys, have you celebrated it yet". Kara giggled and said "in some ways but we are having a party soon, Barry's parents and my adoptive parents are arranging it, it's going to be fun". Imra nodded and said "you need to tell me all about the proposal, but we're here".

Life after crisis: a SuperFlash storyWhere stories live. Discover now