The League of Assassins!

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Barry and Kara were woken up by Nyssa. They had a quick something to eat. Nyssa asked "are you two ready". Barry asked "do you have another bow and arrows, I can use it". Nyssa looked at Barry sceptically and said "are you sure". Barry nodded. Nyssa handed him a spare bow and arrows and said "suit yourself". Barry smiled. Kara kissed Barry and said "try not to die". Barry said "you too Kar". Kara smiled and said "I'll be fine, I have you". Barry put the quiver on his back and nodded at Nyssa. Nyssa nodded and said "do your thing". Barry smirked and sped them as close as he could to Nanda Parbat. Nyssa shot a guard keeping watch. Barry shot an arrow at another guard knocking him unconscious. Kara jumped a little In excitement and said "nice shot babe". Barry whispered "thanks Kar". Kara smiled and nodded excitedly. Nyssa whispered "can you call down please". Kara whispered "sorry, I just never do stealth much, it's so thrilling". Barry smiled at Kara and said "yeah it is". The three made their way closer to the main building and entered.

As soon as they entered, A bunch of League members rushed at them. One went to warn the base. Barry shot an arrow at him and knocked him out. He then ducked as one of them swung their sword at him. The assassin missed and got the sword stuck. Kara right hooked him across the face and knocked him out. Barry smiled at her and then fired at an arrow at an assassin that ran up behind Kara. Kara turned around and said "wow, I hate not having my powers right now". As Nyssa fought with three assassins, she said "that is why.... We are trying to find out where to shut the dampners off". Barry fought of a couple of Assassins with the help of Kara. The two knocked out the assassins and watched as Nyssa finished of the three assassins with ease. Barry said "I agree with Kara, I miss my powers". Nyssa said "we will get them back Allen, I Do admit, you are pretty good with a bow". Barry said "well last year me and Oliver kind of switched places, it was really freaky plus I wanted to get him back for shooting me with arrows". Kara giggled and said "which you did". Barry smiled and said "he had it coming". Nyssa smirked and said "hey he wasn't happy about that". Barry said "nope, he wasn't very happy". Nyssa said "ok, there is a lower level to this place, maybe the dampners will be able to be turned off down there, I'm going to confront my sister, you two to down and see if you can get your powers back". Barry nodded and said "good luck". Nyssa replied "good luck to you both". 

Barry and Kara headed down a level and looked around. They both hid as some assassins walked past them. Kara began to shake a little. Barry smiled and held her hand. Kara looked at Barry and smiled a little. Barry said "it's gonna be ok". Kara nodded and said "I know, I've just never been so powerless and scared in my life". Barry said "I know, I'm scared to Kara". Kara smiled a little and said "doesn't seem like it". Barry said "because I have you with me Kar, I can get through anything with you by my side". Kara blushed and kissed Barry. He said "let's go". Barry nodded and the two slowly made their way through the massive place. Barry pulled Kara against the wall as he saw a few assassins all training in a room. Barry said "we're gonna need to go through them, there is only four, I can probably take a couple down but I need you to take down one of them". Kara nodded and said "I can do that.... I can, I've done it before, I can do it again". Barry smiled and nodded at Kara. He gave her a count down and then he shot two arrows at two of the assassins. He then ran at the other one and used the bow to block attacks from the assassin. Kara ran at the other one while he was distracted and punched him across the face. Barry kicked the man in the knee and grabbed his sword. Hee hit the man on the head with the hilt of the sword and then dropped it as the man fell unconscious. As Kara was about to punch the man again, he fell forwards with an arrow in his back. Kara said "I really hate this, I do, I want my powers back, the only positive thing is that I can hug my boyfriend really tightly without breaking him". Barry chuckled and said "Kara honey". Kara smiled at Barry and asked "honey". Barry smiled and said "yeah, Kara, you could always hug me tightly, I can heal super fast, you know that, and it doesn't hurt". Kara smiled and nodded. Barry pecked her on the lips and said "come on, let's go get our powers back and then we can help Nyssa, get the information we need and then go home and somewhat relax". Kara smiled and nodded at Barry and said "less the way handsome".

Barry and Kara entered a room that had a few computers set up. Barry chuckled and said "this is the first bit of technology that I've seen in here that is modern". Kara giggled and said "yeah, it's strange to be honest, it ruins the experience, like imagine if we were watching a medieval film and at the end the knight pulls out a mobile phone ". Barry chuckled and said "yeah it if it was a film about cowboys and They wore Nike shoes". Kara giggled and said "yeah exactly". Barry smiled and handed Kara the bow and said "I need to do a couple of things to turn of the dampners, it may take a while". Kara nodded and said "ok, yeah". As Barry typed away on the computer, Kara giggled and said "hey babe look at me". Barry looked over at Kara. Kara said "power dampners you have failed this base" in a green arrow voice. Barry chuckled and said "that's a great impression, don't tell Ollie but I think you are better at being the green arrow than he is". Kara giggled and said "thanks babe". Barry smiled and said "there, that should be it". Kara asked "are you sure, I don't feel any different". Barry smirked and his eyes flickered with electricity. He sped with Kara in his arms to help Nyssa

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