Funeral part two!

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Everyone attending Oliver's funeral all stood outside the back of the Queen Manor, where Oliver was being buried. Barry stood beside Kara to his right. He held an umbrella to cover both him and Kara, as the weather was horrible. To his left, Nora was stood beside Felicity, holding an umbrella whilst Felicity held baby Mia in her arms. Once the priest had spoken his part, Felicity looked at Barry and gave him a small nod. Barry gave her a sad smile and cleared his throat. 

Once he was sure he had everyone's attention, he started to speak, "I first met Oliver almost six and a half years ago, I never knew him before he was stranded on the island, so I never knew the spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen, I only knew the Arrow Oliver Queen, so I can't talk about how that island changed him, just that it did change him, but I can talk about how he changed since then, When I first found out that Oliver was the Arrow, he threatened to kill me, immediately after I saved his life, the second time, was after I woke up from my coma, he was training me a little so that I can improve as a hero, he shot me in the back with two arrows, that team up showed me that he wasn't the most patient or kindest person in the world and it further showed how hard it was for him to trust someone, but over time, he started to trust more than just himself, he started to open up to the ones he trusted most, Oliver once told me that guys luck us don't get the girl, he thought that with the lives we have, it would never work out, but he was so wrong, he met Felicity during his first year back from the island, and along the way he fell in love, years later and they were both happily married and had a daughter together, he's not only leaving his legacy as the Green Arrow behind, he's leaving behind a better world for his family and many others, Oliver told me last year that he didn't believe he was a hero, but I disagree, he wasn't just a hero as the Green Arrow, he was a hero as Oliver Queen too".

Felicity smiled slightly at Barry before taking a rose and placing it on top of Oliver's coffin. She sniffed and said "we all miss you Oliver, thanks for being a great friend, husband and father". Moira and Robert stepped forwards and each placed a rose on top of his grave. Robert smiled sadly and said "we're proud of you son". Thea placed a flower on her brother's coffin and said "thanks for being the best brother ever Ollie, I hope wherever you are, you're at peace". Diggle then stepped forwards and placed a rose as he said "we never always saw eye to eye but you were my brother, thanks for giving me purpose again Oliver". Barry smiled sadly as he placed his rose. He said "thanks for everything you've done for me Ollie, I'll make sure that your family are safe, I promise". Kara smiled sadly at Barry as he came back over to stand with her. She gave his hand a squeeze before letting go and walking over to the grave. She placed her flower down and said "thanks for giving  me the chance to live my life with Barry, we'll make sure that your sacrifice was worth it, I promise". Felicity smiled slightly at Nora and whispered "do you want to go Nora". Nora nodded and took a flower over and placed it with all the others. She smiled sadly and said "thanks for being a cool Uncle, uncle Ollie, thanks for being there for me and my parents when we needed you, thanks for everything".

After the service, some of the guests left but the others all headed inside the Queen Manor again. Felicity, Barry, Kara and Nora all stood together inside after getting some wine. Felicity said "you know, I could get you both something to drink, I think Oliver kept a couple bottles of alien alcohol somewhere". Barry smiled a little and replied "no thanks Felicity, as much as I want to accept the offer, I should probably stay sober, there is no telling when Thawne is going to show up again". Kara nodded and added "plus we want team Arrow to take the day of, me and Barry have it handled if something does happen". Felicity nodded and said "thanks for doing the speech Barry, it means a lot that you did". Barry smiled a little as Felicity hugged him. Barry hugged her back and replied "of course Felicity, Oliver was a great friend, not to mention that he sacrificed himself for me and Kara, it's the least I could do". Kara smiled and said "he was up until one in the morning practising that". Felicity laughed a little as she pulled away from the hug. She said "I can believe that". Barry smiled a little and argued "to be fair though, I only had a week or so to come up with something".  Felicity nodded and asked "so what is next for you too, beside planning the wedding of course". Kara smiled and said "In a few days, me and Barry are going to visit a friend in the future". Nora asked "you're going to visit Uncle Winn". Barry nodded and replied "yeah we haven't seen him in a while and we've still to meet his family". Kara added "and we want to let him know how things are here, as well as telling him about our engagement". Felicity smiled and said "well it seems that you'll be busy between now and your wedding". Kara giggled and said "yeah we will be, but it'll be worth it, we're throwing an engagement party in a couple of weeks, well by we, I mean, Barry's parents, Eliza and Alex, we better see you there". Felicity smiled and replied "oh I'll be there, as long as you both have a drink that night and just relax, no hero work". Barry smiled and said "deal, we're lucky that Alura will be staying the night, I don't think taking her back to Argo via drunk speedster is a good idea". Kara giggled and said "no probably not Bar". Felicity smiled and said "well I look forward to seeing a drunk Barry and Kara". Nora giggled and said "me too".

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