Death of the speedforce!

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Barry entered the time vault and received the tachyon enhancer he used to get to Kara's earth accidentally. He hooked the device up to Gideon and placed it on his chest. He said "Gideon, how much charge will I need to get back into the speedforce". Gideon said "I calculate that with your current speed, you will need 900%, but you must hurry, your speed is rapidly declining". Barry said "ok, do it Gideon". Gideon said "yes Barry". Barry felt a sudden surge of energy rush through him and he was back in the speedforce.

Barry ran upstairs to see that the speedforce was in the same position she was in but she looked even weaker than she already was. Barry ran over to her and held her hands as he crouched down. The speedforce smiled and said "you came back". Barry smiled a little and said "I did, I came back". The speedforce smiled at Barry. Barry asked "what's happening". The speedforce said "we're dying Barry". Barry said "I know, I know, but there has to be some way to prevent it". The speedforce smiled and said "there is no way to prevent it Barry, this is the end for us". Barry said "how did it happen". The speedforce said "during the crisis, you gave Oliver Queen and yourself unlimited access to the speedforce". Barry said "Is that what's killing you". The speedforce said "it was too much for us to handle, two speedsters with unlimited potential, it created a dangerous substance here that is slowly draining away at our energy". Barry said "you knew when you let me have another chance at life didn't you". The speedforce smiled at Barry and nodded. Barry asked "why, why didn't you tell me, we could have prevented this, we could have saved you". The speedforce said "because Barry, you have done so much for us already, we couldn't let you risk your life again, especially when there is no way to save us". Barry nodded and said "if I knew that giving us unlimited access to the speedforce would have killed you, I wouldn't have done it". The speedforce said "we're...... I'm glad you did Barry, you saved the universe, you stopped the destruction of everything, it was the only way and I'm glad that it was you, you saved me Barry, I am so proud of you". Barry smiled a little At the speedforce as he teared up. The speedforce said "choosing you was the best thing I have ever done, it was no mistake choosing you Barry, you have done so much good in the world, I'm glad that I made the choice to choose you Barry because there was no better person to do what you did, the sacrifices you have made, you are a true hero Barry, stay that way for me, even if you don't have your powers, stay the selfless person you always have been". Barry smiled as a tear fell from his eye. He said "I promise, I will". The speedforce smiled at Barry and wiped away the tears that fell from his eyes. She then closed her eyes and Barry watched as she became lifeless.

Barry was suddenly in the time vault again. He took the device off his chest and then he sat against the wall. He brought his knees up to his chest and put his head in his hands as he began to sob. He tried to wipe away the tears but more tears just replaced them so He gave up and put is head in his hands again. He sat for a few minutes before he heard someone entering the time vault. He knew who it was.

Kara stood in the Cortex with Caitlin and Cisco. Kara said "Barry's been gone a while". Cisco smiled and said "he isn't in danger Kara, he's in the time vault, he's fine". Kara said "I should check up on him anyway". Caitlin smiled and said "go for it". Kara smiled and headed out of the Cortex and along the hallway. She placed her hand on the wall and it opened up. Kara heard Barry sobbing and her smile quickly faded and turned to a look concern and worry. She saw Barry sitting against the wall sobbing with his head in his hands. Her heart broke at the sight. She immediately ran over to his side and pulled him into a hug. Kara asked "what's wrong Barry". Barry sniffed and looked at Kara with red eyes due to the crying. He said "I killed it....... I killed the speedforce, I.... I screwed up". Kara asked "what do you mean". Barry sniffed and said "during the... Crisis, I gave... I gave Oliver full potential..... That alone killed the speedforce..... It's gone". Kara said "but Barry, doing that allowed us to save the universe". Barry sniffed and said "the speedforce told me the same thing". Kara smiled and said "we'll get through this Barry, we will". Barry nodded and said "I..... I still have my speed, but it's limited now, it will run out eventually, I'd say a couple weeks at the most if I don't overuse it". Kara smiled and said "Barry, I know it's going to be tough for you, but, I'm here for you, you know that". Barry nodded and smiled at Kara. He said "and I'm here for you Kara". Kara said "I know babe, I just want you to know that if you do run out of speed, you may not be able to be a hero to everyone but you will always be my hero Barry, you give me the strength to keep going". Barry smiled and kissed Kara. Kara kissed back and it was about to turn into a full make out session until Wally came in and cleared his throught.

Barry and Kara pulled away with red faces. Wally said "uh.... Sorry for interrupting that... But I came to apologise Barry". Barry and Kara stood up. Kara took Barry's hand to show her support. Barry said "I'm The one who should apologise Wally, I know how much it meant to you and I'm sorry". Wally smiled and said "Barry, you saved the universe, if I was in your position, I would have done the same thing, you made the right decision Barry and I'm sorry I yelled at you". Barry smiled and hugged Wally. Wally smiled and hugged back until Cisco came in and said "sorry to interrupt, but Nash is awake and he wants to talk to everyone". Barry nodded and said "we'll be down in a minute". Cisco nodded and left the time vault. Wally smiled and said "I'm going to stick around, from what I've heard from dad, you have a lot on your plate". Barry chuckled and said "thanks Wally". Barry took Kara's hand and smiled at her. The three began walking out of the time vault. Wally said "so dad tells me that Grodd is a good guy now". Kara laughed and said "yep, he changed". Wally smiled. Barry chuckled and said "I guess it proves that everyone can change, Grodd did which was unexpected". The three laughed and began heading down to the pipeline.

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