Grodd has changed!

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Barry arrived back at Star Labs to see Kara with a smile. Barry asked "Kara....... Not Kara". Grodd spoke through Kara and said "Grodd wanted Flash to see a face he can trust, Grodd wants Flash to trust him, Grodd has changed, Grodd wants Flash to help him". Barry asked "how, how have you changed Grodd, you have done so much wrong". Grodd said "Grodd knows, and Grodd regrets it all, Grodd can change, crisis has changed so much, how can't Grodd change". Barry asked "you know about crisis". Grodd said "Grodd's mind survived the end of all universes, Grodd knows of the old earth, Grodd wants to be with other Gorillas in Gorilla City". Barry asked "why, so you can have another Gorilla army". Grodd said "so Grodd can be happy, Grodd has never been happy, Grodd thought that by ruling Gorillas, he would be happy but that power made him the opposite of happy, Grodd just wants to live and be free, Grodd wants what Flash has, happinsess, Grodd knows about Flash and Supergirl, Flash is happy, Grodd just wants to be with his own kind and be happy". Barry said "you're telling the truth". Grodd asked "Flash didn't believe Grodd, why does Flash believe Grodd now". Barry said "because you let go of the past, this crisis has changed so much and I have been trying to keep things the way they were, but I can't, I need to accept that things are different, and I think that you are different Grodd". Grodd arrived as Kara disappeared. Barry smiled at Grodd and said "we are going to get out of here". Grodd asked "how, Grodd thought Flash would be able to". Barry said "because I tried what I done last time, We need to do something different, we can work together Grodd, combine strengths and we should be able to get back". Grodd nodded as Barry does them to where the exit is to the mindscape. 

Caitlin set up a device in the med bay. Kara asked "what is this". Caitlin said "this device was made to talk to people in their dreams of When Barry and Nora entered Grace's mind last year, we should be able to communicate with Barry". Kara smiled and said "thank Rao, we can tell if he is ok". Caitlin nodded and said "that's the plan". Kara nodded. Alex had arrived and said "hey sis, Cisco told me what happened with Barry, is he ok". Kara said "we'll find out in a sec". Alex nodded and said "ok". Caitlin asked "Barry". Barry said "Caitlin, hey". Kara smiled and asked "Barry are you ok". Barry said "yeah I'm fine Kar, I'm sorry I didn't come up to get lunch with you". Caitlin said "Barry, you are in Grodd's mind". Barry said "oh, yeah I know". Kara asked "are you ok, he isn't trying to kill you is he". Barry chuckled and said "nope, me and Grodd are teaming up, he's changed". Alex asked "who is Grodd". Kara said "telepathic Gorilla". Alex said "cool, why were we stuck with all the boring ones, no offence Kara but fighting just aliens and humans got boring". Caitlin said "oh we get them all, well except aliens, I suppose we will now but we got a half shark, half human as well". Kara grinned and said "King Shark, Barry told me about him". Alex said "I should move here". Kara giggled and said "Alex we share an earth now and we've combine teams, we will get the cool ones now". Alex smiled and said "fair enough". Barry said "I'll talk to you all later,I need to help Grodd". Kara said "I love you Barry". Barry said "I love you too Kara".

Barry smiled at Grodd and asked "are you ready". Grodd nodded and said "I'm ready Flash". Barry smiled and combine with Grodd. He asked "how does it feel Grodd". Grodd said "impossible". Barry chuckled and said "you need to get us out of here so run Grodd, run". Grodd's eyes flickered with lightning and he ran at Solivar. Solivar swung his shield at Grodd but Grodd phased through it and punched Solivar in the back. Solivar stumbled forwards. Grodd turned to run through the breach when Solivar threw his shield at Grodd and knocked him over. Grodd tried to get up but Solivar jumped onto Grodd's back and then rolled him over. Solivar punched Grodd across the face. Barry said "Grodd, you need to fight back, I know you are scared, use that fear, and fight back". Grodd blocked one of Solivar's punches and kicked him off. Grodd got onto his feet and began running in circles around Solivar. He threw lightning at Solivar. Barry said "go now Grodd". Grodd ran into the exit while Solivar was knocked over.

As soon as Barry opened his eyes, Kara's lips were on his. Barry kissed back and wrapped his arms around her. Kara pulled away with tears in her eyes. She said "never ever do that again". Barry chuckled and said "sorry Kar, next time, I'll just come with you for lunch". Kara smiled at Barry and said "speaking of lunch". Barry smiled and asked "can we just get food, I need to go see Grodd". Kara smiled and said "I'm coming too, I want to meet him". Barry smiled and sped away with Kara.

Barry spoke with Lyla and arranged for Grodd to go to Gorilla City. Barry and Kara held hands as they walked beside Grodd to the entrance of Gorilla City. Barry smiled at Grodd and said "welcome home Grodd". Grodd faced Barry and said "thank you Flash for believing me and giving me the chance to prove that I have changed". Kara smiled and said "that's Barry for you, he always gives people the chance to change, he is great that way". Barry said "and I need to sometimes change to Grodd, you aren't the only one". Grodd smiled and said "thank you, both of you, it is nice to meet you Kara, Grodd appreciates the help". Kara smiled and said "it was nice to meet you too Grodd, I hope you find happiness here". Grodd said "I will". Barry smiled. Kara said "group hug". Barry chuckled. Grodd smiled and hugged them both. Barry and Kara hugged back with a smile. Barry said "if you ever need help again Grodd, don't hesitate to ask". Grodd nodded and said "you too Barry, and you Kara". Barry and Kara smiled and waved as Grodd headed into Gorilla City. Kara smiled at Barry and said "come on, we can go pack, get home and relax and then go see my mother in a couple of days". Barry smiled and said "that is a plan that I agree with, come on". Kara smiled and the two began walking away. Kara said "I'm glad you and Grodd became friends". Barry said "me too".

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