Saving Lex!

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Kara landed with Barry in the DEO. They looked around to see a bunch of dead agents on the ground. Barry said "we're too late". Thawne raced into a stop in front of him and dumped an unconscious and bruised Lex Luthor at his feet. Thawne smirked and said "actually, you're just in time". Barry and Kara glared at Thawne. Thawne said "I have to say, I do prefer this universe to the last one, thanks to crisis, my ancestor is alive, no more time remnant, just me, it feels good". Barry said "we'll see how long that lasts". Thawne chuckled and said "Barry, you are weeks, days, maybe even minutes away from losing your speed, and your little alien girlfriend has no chance against me either". Kara said "maybe not Thawne, but you won't win, you won't ever win". Thawne just smirked the whole time. Barry said "you never do learn do you Thawne, how many times will it take for you to realise that you will lose". Thawne grinned and said "this time is different, after I beat you, I'm going to kill her". He pointed to Kara with a smirk. He said "then I'm going to pay your parents a visit, and I'll visit your little buddies in the Justice League, and once you are broken, then I will kill you Barry". Barry gestured to Lex and asked "how does he fit into your master plan". Thawne said "oh Luthor, you know, I woke up from this crisis in the future, turns out, he helps you beat Leviathan, joins your petty little League of heroes, I'm hear to make sure that doesn't happen, I look forward to seeing the changes made in the future". Barry stepped forwards and said "you really are a special kind of idiot aren't you". Thawne said "excuse me". Barry said "you are a massive hypocrite, during my first year, you constantly told me that changing the timeline is a big no, no, saying that if you mess with time, time messes back, look at what you're doing now, you won't like the future you return to Thawne". Thawne said "a future without the Flash is a future I have longed to have". Barry said "and I longed to have my parents back, I changed that, but it couldn't stay that way, you wanted to me not become the Flash, so you killed my mother, look how that turned out, you had to create me to get back home". Thawne smirked and said "this time however, the speedforce existed, killing you won't get rid of my speed, like it did when I looked your mother, guess you forgot about that". Barry smiled and said "no, I was just distracting you long enough". Thawne was hit in the back with a nanite dart fired by Alex. Barry ran over and knocked Thawne back at a normal speed.

Barry turned to Kara and said "get Luthor and Alex out of here". Kara said "but, what about you Barry, I can't leave you too". Barry said "Kara, sweetie". Kara smiled a little At Barry. Barry said "I'll be fine, besides, you can come back". Kara nodded and quickly pecked Barry on the lips and rushed to get Lex and her sister out of there. Thawne smirked and said "well this is gonna be fun". He cracked his knuckles and ran at Barry without his speed. The two started throwing punches at each other. Barry fought at his hardest but Thawne was the more skilled fighter out of the two. Barry was punched in the stomach which winded him. Thawne uses it to his advantage and knocked Barry over. Thawne said "I would kill you now, but, well that would be far too easy and boring, until next time Flash". Thawne phased the nanites out of his system and sped away.

As soon as Thawne left, Kara had landed and seen Barry on the floor. She ran over with tears in her eyes and shouted "Barry". Barry sat up and held a hand onto his stomach. He said "I'm fine, Kara, I'm ok". Kara smiled and sighed in relief. She said "thank Rao, are you hurt". Barry said "a little sore but I should be fine". Kara nodded and said "we need to get you home". Barry said "we will be I need to do something first, how is Lex". Kara said "he's ok, he wasn't hurt too badly, we took him to the Tower which is probably a bad idea but, well Thawne shouldn't know about it". Barry nodded and said "I need to call Cisco and Caitlin and ask if they can get to National City". Kara nodded and helped Barry to his feet. Barry smiled a little.

Kara flew them to the Tower where they got changed into regular clothes. Barry called Cisco. Cisco picked up immediately. He said "hey Barry, what's up, did you get there in time". Barry said "luckily Luthor lived, I guess Thawne wanted to taunt us, like usual". Cisco said "yeah, we can never seem to get rid of him huh". Barry said "no, he's probably always going to be a Thorne in the side". Cisco said "well what's up". Barry asked "how soon can you and Cait get to National City". Cisco said "we could be there by tomorrow night, why". Barry said "well Thawne and Leviathan are both in National City at the moment, it could be more useful if you two are here, to help with the whole, creating a new speedforce, rather than us going back and forth, I'm sure Ralph, Nash, Harry and the others can keep an eye on Central City". Cisco said "I'll tell Caitlin and we'll be in our way soon, see you tomorrow". Barry said "see you tomorrow". Barry out his phone away. Kara asked "so are They coming". Barry said "yeah They are, let's go see Luthor now". Kara nodded and said "yeah, hopefully Thawne can be stopped soon, our split focus on Leviathan and Thawne isn't going to help". Barry smiled and said "I agree Kar". Kara smiled and rested her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her. Kara said "you called me sweetie". Barry chuckled and said "I did". Kara giggled and said "I love it when you call me that". Barry smiled and said "guess I should say it more often". Kara smiled and said "thanks Bar". Barry said "no problem Kar". Kara nodded and They entered the room where Lex was lying. He looked over at the two and asked "why are you both here". Barry said "we need your help". Lex said "I have been working on finding Leviathan, I think I found something". Barry said "not with that, but it would help too". Lex asked "so what do you need". Barry said "I need your help creating a new speedforce".

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