Story Time!

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Kara, Barry and Eilidh followed Winn into his apartment where he stayed with his wife and child whenever he wasn't on a mission. He said "make yourself at home, I'll just be a few moments". Barry and Kara sat down on the couch in the living room and looked around the room with small smiles. Eilidh took a seat next to Barry and asked "what was it like". Barry asked "what was what like Eilidh". Eilidh smiled and replied "being struck by lightning, was it sore". Barry chuckled and said "I can't actually remember to be honest, I was just in my lab at the CCPD, there was a news report about the particle accelerator failing and the skylight was open in the lab so I went to shut it as it was raining, the next thing I know, the chemicals in my lab started to float then I was struck by lightning and in a coma, I don't remember feeling anything when I was struck". Eilidh nodded and asked "so you then woke up had your powers". Barry nodded and replied "yep, and I had no idea so it was strange seeing people in slow motion". Kara giggled and said "yeah but it's so cool, and peaceful". Eilidh asked "are you a speedster too". Kara smiled from ear to ear and said "yep, my amazing fiance gave me a connection to his speedforce, I love that I do, it gives me and Barry and extra connection to each other".

Winn came back in regular clothes, smiling when he seen Barry telling a story about his crime fighting, with both Kara and Eilidh listening intently. Once Barry was finished, Winn asked "what are you guys talking about". Eilidh who was smiling from ear to ear, exclaimed "Great Grandpa Barry was telling me about his first fight with this massive telepathic Gorilla called Grodd, it sounds awesome". Both Kara and Winn were trying their hardest not to laugh at Barry's surprise when Eilidh called him 'Great Grandpa'. Eilidh asked "can you tell me another story Grandpa Barry". Barry chuckled a little and asked "are there any in particular that you'd want to hear, most of them seem to be the exact same just with a different villain who has different powers". Eilidh asked "how about a team up with Great Grandma Kara". Kara's face turned bright red when she seen her fiance trying his hardest not to laugh at her. Barry nodded and said "in the old multiverse, which I hope you've heard off because it would take way to long to explain, I was trying to increase my speed with a tachyon enhancer so that I would be fast enough to beat Zoom". Eilidh gasped and asked "Zoom, I've seen his suit in the SuperFlash museum, it looks scary". Barry nodded and said "he was scary but I needed to stop him, so I used the tachyon enhancer, but as I was testing it for the first time, I accidentally crossed into Kara's earth, as soon as I arrived, I seen someone falling from a really tall building, I ran up the side and caught her, then because the tachyon enhancer gave me one last burst of speed, I accidentally ran her out of the city to the fields". Eilidh smiled and asked with excitement "it was Grandma Kara wasn't it". Kara nodded and said "I was blasted out of the building by one of my villains, Silver Banshee". 

Eilidh asked "what was her powers". Kara answered "she had a sonic scream". Eilidh smiled and said "woah, that sounds awesome". Kara giggled a little and said "I guess, so after Barry put me down, I flew off to go after her, but then I realised Barry was running below me, so I decided to land and talk to him". Barry nodded with a slight chuckled and said "we both ended up so confused until I worked out that I was on another earth". Kara laughed and said "Winn totally nerded out over that". Winn argued "in my defence, we had just learned that the theory of the multiverse was true, who wouldn't nerd out over it". Barry laughed a little and said "I'm on Winn's side with this". Eilidh giggled a little as Kara pouted at Barry. Winn said "I think that Kara was too busy crushing over Barry, because otherwise, She would have found it awesome that the multiverse existed". Kara blushed and said "hey, I did find it cool, I wasn't crushing over Barry....... The whole time". Winn replied "sure you weren't Kara, I think you were seconds away from drooling over him". Kara blushed even more and argued "I was not". Winn chuckled and said "just admit it Kara, you had a crush on Barry". Kara nodded and replied "of course I did, he was the first one to actually relate to me outside of my cousin, he had been through a lot of what I have, I mean we are constantly told about how we are practically the exact same, how could I not have feelings for him". Barry smiled and wrapped an arm around his fiance and said "I think we can stop embarrassing my fiance now". Kara smiled and snuggled into Barry as she replied "thanks honey". Barry grinned and said "it's no problem honey, only I get to embarrass you, which reminds me, there was this one time, we were watching a movie, and you know how Kara loves to eat ice cream while she watches a movie". Winn nodded with a small smile while Kara groaned and buried her face into Barry's side. Barry chuckled and said "halfway through the movie, I had finished my ice cream and I was going to go clean out my bowl, so I looked over to see if Kara had finished with hers, She was but she had a lot of ice cream on her cheeks and chin, I swear she is a little kid when it comes to ice cream". Both Eilidh and Winn burst out laughing as Kara tried to snuggle in closer to Barry and hide in embarrassment. Barry chuckled and whispered "sorry honey". Kara whispered back "if I didn't love you as much as I do, you'd be in space right now". Barry chuckled and said "I love you too honey". Kara smiled and said "I forgive you". Barry chuckled and pecked Kara on the temple before saying "I'll make it up to you when we get home". Kara smiled and replied "you better babe".

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