Toyman part 2!

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Kara landed at the abandoned Schott factory where Barry was sitting waiting for her. Kara giggled and said "I'm not as fast as you remember". Barry said "I know, that's why I had a run around the perimeter around a hundred times". Kara smiled as Barry stood up. She asked "did you find anything". Barry nodded and said "every entrance is rigged with traps and there are red sun emitters but I should be able to short circuit them". Kara nodded and said "ok, thanks Bar, but what about meta dampners". Barry said "Toyman is an idiot, the ones the League had were the most advanced dampners I've seen, the others don't really affect me much". Kara asked "how come". Barry said "uh.... When I got back from the speedforce, I was in a weird state". Kara giggled and said "I know, I came to visit". Barry smiled and said "yes you did, I was in the pipeline and one of my friends was in danger, I managed to get out of the pipeline using my powers". Kara nodded and said "yeah it was pretty cool, I was there for that too". Barry smiled and said "yeah, I'm glad you were". Kara smiled. Barry asked "shall we". Kara said "we shall".

Barry sped them inside the building and hid. They saw Eliza tied to a chair with Toyman pacing in front of her with a massive grin on his face. Kara teared up and softly said "Eliza". Barry put his hand on her shoulder and smiled a little. Kara smiled a little At Barry. Barry sped off and took Eliza away. Kara ran at a distracted Toyman and punched him. He flew into a wall and fell to the ground. Kara walker over to him and said "stay away from my mother". Toyman coughed and stood up. He chuckled and said "how... How are you able to use your powers here, I had the red sun emitters set up". Kara said "well They require power to run, and I just so happens to have a boyfriend who can overload them with energy". Toyman said "the Scarlett Speedster, But..... I had meta dampners set up". Kara grinned and said "oops". Toyman pulled out a kryptonite knife and lunged at Kara. Barry ran and phased through Kara then grabbed the knife from his hand and vibrated it into pieces. Toyman swung at Barry, but Barry dodged out of the way and cuffed him. Toyman said "ow, ow, too tight, too tight". Barry said "aww, I don't much care". Kara smiled at Barry. Barry smiled and said "let's get him to Winn, maybe he can take him to the future and use him to clear his name". Kara smiled and nodded. She asked "where is Eliza". Barry said "oh, I took her to the Tower, she is fine, just a little shaken". Kara smiled and said "thanks Barry, you are the best". Barry smiled and said "no problem Kara, I would do it again in a heartbeat". Kara smiled more and nodded.

Kara, Barry, J'onn and Alex met with Winn in the field outside National City where the time ship that he used was parked. Toyman was already in a cell inside. J'onn and Alex hugged Winn with a smile. Barry then walked over to Winn and gave him a small hug. He said "if you ever need our help in the future or back here, don't hesitate to ask for it". Winn smiled and said "you too Barry, it was nice to see you again". Barry said "it was nice to see you too Winn, maybe bring the family next time for a visit, we would love to meet them". Winn smiled and nodded. Kara came over and gave Winn a hug as well. She said "be safe Winn, and I agree with Barry, we would love to meet your family". Winn chuckled and said "I will once we have time, maybe one day, you two will have that". Barry smiled and wrapped his arm around Kara. Kara smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. Kara said "one day Winn, one day, we've only been dating for just under two weeks at this point". Winn said "I know Kara, but a lot can change in a few months, I mean a crisis happened and our earths merged which is so cool by the way, so who knows what will have happened by the time I come back". Barry smiled and nodded. Winn gave the two one last hug and then he entered the time ship. The four stood and watched as the shop disappeared. Kara said "ok, time to ask Eliza about Christmas, can you come with me, I'm nervous". Barry said "yeah, sure, come on, see you later guys". Alex and J'onn waved goodbye as Barry and Kara rushed off.

Kara arrived at the Tower and changed into regular clothes first. Barry arrived after her and changed. Kara said "ha, ha, I won babe". Barry chuckled and said "yeah, I don't know what it is, but I couldn't seem to run too fast". Kara took his hand and said "well to be fair, you haven't had much of a break, you have died twice, beat the Anti Monitor twice, fought the weather wizard and his daughter, fought literal assassins without your powers, fought Toyman, helped Kate and then fought Toyman again, you need some rest Bar". Barry smiled and said "well luckily, it's Christmas in a couple of weeks then". Kara smiled and said "yeah, on our one month anniversary of dating". Barry chuckled and said "yeah, so it is". Kara smiled and said "it'll make it even more special". The two headed into the main area where Eliza was sitting. Kara let go of Barry's hand and hugged her. She asked "are you ok Eliza". Eliza smiled and replied "thanks to you two, I am going to be just fine". Barry smiled and said "it was no problem". Kara said "Eliza..... As you know, it's going to be me and Barry's first Christmas together". Eliza smiled and nodded. Kara said "you know how we do a big Christmas dinner, how about we do it with Barry's family as well". Eliza said "yeah, that would be lovely, I'll give Nora a call later and ask her about it". Kara smiled and held Barry's hand again. She said "it's going to be the best Christmas EVER". Barry chuckled and said "you are adorable, you know that". Kara blushed and smiled at Barry. She said "you can be sometimes as well Bar". Barry chuckled and said "shall we go over to yours or mine and relax". Kara said "I want to go to Central City for a day or two". Barry said "let's go then". Kara smiled and asked "can I fly you". Barry said "sure, why not". Kara smiled and flew off with Barry in her arms. Eliza smiled at the couple and began heading home as well.

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