Fighting Zoom!

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Zoom dropped Barry just outside the city in the fields. Barry rolled to a stop. He then clambered onto his feet as Zoom removed his mask. Barry said "for the record, I let you do that". Zoom grinned and said "so you are faster". Barry smiled and said "fast enough to stop you". Zoom said "good, the more speed you have, the more I can take". Barry said "you can certainly try". Zoom paced a little. He asked "why are you and Kara here from the future, do you finally get the courage to tell her how you feel about her". Barry said "someone changed the timeline, you don't happen to know who it was do you, I have my suspicions but you can never be too sure". Zoom said "No idea". Barry said "well it involves you". Zoom chuckled and said "oh I know, I found something in my lair, told me where past you and Past Kara would be and at what time, that I can use it to capture you both". Barry said "so you aren't good enough to stop me without a little help from the future". Zoom glared at Barry and said "I'm far past good enough to beat you Flash". Barry said "let's see you try Zolomon".

Zoom put his mask back on and sped towards Barry. Zoom swung at Barry who easily dodged his attack and attacked him from the side. He then kicked him forwards. He watched as both Kara's landed in front of him and punched him back towards Barry. Barry smiled and punched Zoom down to the ground. Zoom quickly got up and ran at the Kara's. Past Barry sped over and slammed into Zoom before he could reach them. He smiled and said "sorry I'm late. Barry chuckled and said "you're just in time". Past Barry smiled and said "we can finally beat Zoom now". Barry shook his head and said "this Zoom is a time remnant". Past Barry said "him and his time remnants". Barry chuckled and nodded. He said "you will both beat him, you two can do anything together". Past Kara blushed a little and smiled. Past Barry's face turned a little red. Barry chuckled and said "let's fix this then we can get back to the future". Kara nodded and said "gladly". Barry chuckled and asked "you still aren't thinking of that thing are you". Kara smiled nervously and said "I can't stop thinking about it Barry, I want us to get home". Barry smiled and nodded. The four watched as Zoom got back up. He sped around in a circle and started creating tornadoes. Past Barry said "who does he think he is, Clyde Mardon". Barry said "me and Past Kara will get the tornadoes, Kar, Barry, you both keep Zoom distracted". Kara nodded and smiled at Barry. Past Barry nodded and rushed towards Zoom with Kara following behind. Barry nodded at Past Kara and the two headed to stop the tornadoes.

Past Barry swung at Zoom. Zoom sped out of the way and punched him. He was about to again when Kara blasted him with her heat vision. Kara smiled and asked "are you ok". Past Barry nodded and said "you know, I can't tell you both apart". Kara smiled and said "sorry, I do have another suit but we needed to fit in with the Past to stop changes from happening". Past Barry smiled and said "never works out does it". Kara said "nope, not really". Past Barry smiled and sped towards Zoom again. Kara flew at Zoom and froze the ground in front of him, causing him to trip over. Past Barry sped in a circle and threw a lightning bolt at him as he got back up. Kara flew over and punched him.

As Kara and Past Barry fought Zoom, Barry was running around one of the tornadoes and watched as it got smaller and smaller. Past Kara flew around hers and said "Barry, I don't know how much longer I can do this, I haven't been in the sunlight much, I can't do it for longer". Barry said "it's ok Kara, just hold on". Past Kara nodded and continued to fly. Barry finished with his tornado and he ran to help Past Kara. Past Kara fell towards the ground as she finished with her tornado. Barry sped over and caught her in his arms. Past Kara smiled at Barry and said "thanks Bar". Barry nodded and smiled. He came to a stop still holding her in his arms. Kara said "listen, Barry, there is something I need to tell you". Barry asked "what is it". Past Kara leaned up and kissed him. Barry was about to kiss back when he remembered that it wasn't his Kara. He pulled away and saw the frown and tears in her eyes. He chuckled and said "Kara, I do love you, but it's the wrong Barry, your Barry is still helping my Kara". Past Kara smiled a little As her face turned red. She said "sorry, I couldn't tell, I thought you were my Barry". Barry smiled and said "I am your Barry, no one else's, just from the future". Past Kara smiled. Barry said "now why don't you go tell present Barry, while I finish with Zoom". Past Kara nodded and pecked him on the cheek. She said "thanks Barry, and I'll always be your Kara, no one else's". Barry smiled and said "I know".

Barry sped over to Zoom who has just been knocked out by Kara. She smiled at him and asked "what are we going to do with him". Barry said "I'll open The speedforce, Maybe the time wraiths will take him". Kara nodded. Barry sped in a circle until The speedforce opened up. He watched as two time wraiths came out and took The time remnant of Zoom into the speedforce. Barry came to a stop next to Kara and wrapped his arms around her waist. Kara smiled and wrapped hers around his neck. Barry smiled and said "I love you". Kara said "I love you too". They both kissed and then rested their foreheads together. Kara smiled and asked "so do you think The timeline is back on track". Barry said "mostly but there is going to be a difference when we go back". Kara nodded and glanced over at Past Kara and Past Barry who were talking.

Past Kara smiled at Past Barry. She said "I am so glad you are ok Barry". Past Barry smiled and said "I'm glad you're ok Kar, I couldn't bare The thought of losing you". Past Kara looked down and played with her fingers. She said "I.... I um have something's to tell you". Past Barry smiled and asked "what's up". Past Kara looked up at him and said "you have been there for me since The start, we grew up as best friends, the bestest of friends, you know Superfriends, I.... Once I knew what love was.... I knew I loved you..... You were the only one who fully understood me, I wish I had told you at that Christmas party or when we went to prom together, then when we went to college, and then when you were in your coma, I was so lost without you, I was upset and I worried about you, when you woke up, I so badly wanted to just kiss you, but it didn't seem appropriate, and when we were taken by Zoom, I worried again, I was worried that I would lose you, future you came and rescued me, I thought it was you and so I kissed him, and it was nice you know, because he is you and He is dating me in the future, but I want it here, I want to be with you, I hope you feel the same way". Past Barry smiled at Past Kara and said "I've always wanted to be with you too, I have loved you since I found you in that pod, I never wanted to leave you, I mean we were the same age and you were alone, you were then taken in by our neighbours, and we became best friends, I was just afraid that you didn't feel the same way, but you do". Past Kara smiled and asked "so...... So can we be together". Past Barry smiled and nodded. He said "that would be nice". Past Kara smiled as she wrapped her arms around His neck. She said "it would be". Past Barry smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist. The two leaned closer as they closed their eyes and their lips connected. Barry and Kara smiled at their Past selves. Barry said "come on, let's get back to the waverider and tell them that we did it, and then we'll get murdered by them for changing something". Kara giggled and nodded. Barry lifted Kara up and sped them towards the waverider.

Life after crisis: a SuperFlash storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang