The Hall of Justice!

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As soon as Barry and Kara stepped out of the ship and seen the massive building, they both gasped. Kara took Barry's hand and gave it a small squeeze as They looked at the building in awe. Winn smiled at the two and said "welcome to the Hall of Justice". Kara asked "all This is because of Barry". Barry smiled and replied "because of us Kara, your my co leader remember". Winn nodded and said "yeah because of you two, the world became safer, way safer, you recruited a bunch of heroes to the league and more continued to join every year, then years later, you both made the legion of superheroes too, for if the Justice League was ever handling a threat of world or across the other side of the world, do you guys want a tour". Kara and Barry could only nodded their heads as excited grins spread across their faces. Winn chuckled and said "come on then". Mon-El smiled and said "we'll join you later, we need to go see someone about something".

Barry and Kara followed Winn into the main room and froze when they seen two massive golden statues. Barry gave a small chuckled and said "who'd have thought that I'd ever get a statue". Kara nodded and replied "my cousin has one...... But I never thought I'd have one". Winn chuckled and said "go ahead and look around, afterwards I'll show you something you might find familiar, I'll just be over here talking to my wife". Kara asked "she's in the league". Winn smiled and replied "she is but she hasn't been on any missions for a couple of years, if you both stick around for dinner, you'll meet her and our daughter". Barry smiled and said "we'll take you up on that offer". Winn chuckled and gave a small nod before heading off to see his wife who was holding a little girl. Barry and Kara smiled at their statues. Kara rested her head on Barry's shoulder and asked "did you ever think it would become this big, I mean did you see the size of the place, and the people, there are still a lot of people here, even though the league is apparently away on a mission, according to Winn anyway". Barry shook his head and said "I really thought it would just be out current members, but I'm glad it grew beyond us, it's nice to know I made the right decision, even if it isn't the best one I've made". Kara asked "what do you mean Bar". Barry smiled and said "the best two decisions I made were telling you how I felt about you, and asking you to marry me". Kara giggled and replied "I can't disagree there babe". Barry chuckled a little and said "come on, let's check the room out". Kara nodded and walked with Barry, hand in hand.

As they walked, Kara asked "do you think They got my ass right". The two of them stopped walking when Kara noticed Barry giving her an amused grin. She giggled and exclaimed "what is it Bar, It's a serious matter". Barry chuckled and replied "I'm sure it is honey". Kara giggled and said "I want your opinion Bar, and I want the truth". Barry asked "are you really being serious". Kara giggled and said "I am Bar, just give me your opinion". Barry looked up at the statue's butt and then down at Kara's before giving her a teasing smile. He said "I don't know, I think the statues is better". Kara gave Barry a small glare as she said "take it back". Barry chuckled and said "you asked for my honest opinion". Kara poked Barry in the chest and said "take it back Bartholomew Henry Allen". Barry smiled and said "you're gonna have to make me babe". Kara pouted and asked "pretty please". Barry just smiled even more, trying his best to hold in a laugh, which made Kara smile again. Barry chuckled as he said "I knew you weren't mad". Kara giggled and replied "because I know you like my butt better". Barry nodded and said "yeah yours is perfect Kara". Kara blushed and giggled a little. She wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face into his chest as she mumbled "I love you so much". Barry wrapped his arms around Kara's waist and rested his chin on top of her head. He smiled and replied "I love you too Kara".

Kara looked up at Barry with a massive smile and asked "why does our wedding have to be a while away yet". Barry smiled at Kara and said "I want to marry you too Kara". Kara smiled and pecked Barry on the lips. She said "I really can't wait to be your wife". Barry smiled and replied "and I can't wait to be your husband". Kara said "come on, let's get back to Winn, I want to see more of this place". Barry chuckled and said "come on then". The two walked back around to the front of the statue and glanced around for Winn. Kara asked "where is he". Barry shrugged his shoulders and said "I think I seen him leave, maybe him and his wife were off to do whatever". Kara nodded and said "that's fair, I guess we can sit and wait for him to come back". Kara nodded and sat down by the statue. Barry gave her a small smile before sitting down next to her. The blond who was sitting close to them, gave them a small smile. She asked "do you like Flash and Supergirl too". Barry smiled and replied "yeah they're cool". The girl smiled at them both and said "I think they are awesome, my dad always tells me that I'm connected to the Flash and Supergirl". Barry asked "so are you a speedster too". The girl nodded but then froze. She eventually smiled at Barry and asked "are you a speedster". Barry nodded and said "yep, it's cool isn't it". The girl nodded and said "I'm Eilidh by the way". Kara smiled and said "nice to meet you Eilidh, I'm Kara and This is my fiance Barry". Eilidh smiled and said "it's nice to meet you both".

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