Nora! (50th Chapter Special)

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Barry and Kara sat inside Noonans at a table as they ate their potstickers. Kara asked "so while I go to Central City, are you going into the speedforce". Barry nodded and said "I shouldn't take too long Kar and I promise that I will be safe". Kara smiled and said "I know, I'm going to visit Nia at Catco and fill her in on what's going on, and then I will head over to Central City, Alex took Eliza over there and they are staying with your parents to keep them all safe so I'll visit them and fill them in too". Barry nodded and smiled. Kara smiled a little and tidied away her rubbish. She smiled and said "I'll see you soon then Bar". She pecked him on the lips and said "I'll see you soon Bar". Barry smiled and said "I'll see you soon, love you". Kara smiled and said "love you too". Not long after Kara left, Barry had put away his rubbish and then left.

Barry walked until he got to the fields outside of National City. He smiled a little when he saw that a crater created during their fight with the Anti Monitor had started to have grass grow in it. He then took a deep breath and said "Oh I hope I don't die". He got into a running position and then He sped off. As he ran, a portal into the speedforce opened up and he entered it. It was even darker this time and filled with even more green lightning. He wasn't in his childhood home this time. He was in an unfamiliar house. Barry took a look around. There were pictures of him and Kara, and then him and his daughter Nora but not Kara. Barry wandered around the house and looked around. Hee finally came to a room and he heard sobbing coming from inside.

Barry walked in to see Nora sitting on her bed sobbing. Barry asked "Nora". Nora sniffed and looked up at Barry. She asked "da...... Dad". Barry smiled and sat on the bed. Nora said "you look younger than my dad". Barry asked "I do". Nora asked "you are the earth one Barry aren't you". Barry nodded. Nora said "I'm the earth 518 Nora, my dad sacrificed himself during the crisis". Barry nodded and said "I know, he done it for me". Nora asked "he did". Barry said "after we restarted the universe, I ended up in the speedforce, your dad sacrificed himself so that I could get the chance to have a life with my Kara, and He got to go to the afterlife". Nora sniffed and said "to be with mum". Barry nodded. Nora asked "what's happening to the speedforce, after the blinding light in the Anti Matter universe, I ended up here, it was fine at first but it became darker, and filled with this green lightning, I'm scared". Barry said "the speedforce is dead, when I gave myself and Oliver unlimited access to the speedforce, it created this dangerous substance in the speedforce which slowly killed it, I only have a certain amount of speed left which will run out, I came in here because I felt something in the speedforce, it was you". Nora asked "you came for me". Barry nodded and said "once we return to the new earth, we won't have our speed, if you are coming anyway". Nora nodded and hugged Barry. Barry smiled and hugged her back. Nora asked "so you aren't the Spectre anymore". Barry smiled and said "no, I haven't been in three months". Nora smiled and hugged Barry tighter. Barry smiled and said "we should go". Nora nodded. They both stood up. Barry smiled and asked "are you ready to go". Nora nodded. Barry smiled and sped away with her.

as he exited the speedforce, Barry tripped and dropped Nora. They both rolled to a stop in the fields outside of National City. Barry sat up and asked "are you ok". Nora nodded and said "I'm fine". Barry stood up and then helped her to her feet. Barry smiled and said "it's ok to not be". Nora sniffed and said "it's just going to be hard, you look a lot like my father". Barry smiled and said "and you look like my daughter from the future, she was erased from existence last year". Nora nodded and said "I'm sorry". Barry smiled and said "you have nothing to apologise for Nora, I always knew that I would see her again, I just never imagined that it would be her doppelganger". Nora nodded. Barry smiled and said "come on, you've got to be hungry". Nora smiled a little and said "thanks, what was your Nora like". Barry smiled and said "she was a lot like you, you are both very brave, care about others and you are both very smart". Nora smiled and asked "how is Kara". Barry smiled and said "she is doing great, she is away in Central City at the minute getting something to help us". Nora asked "help you with what". Barry said "we're creating an artificial speedforce". Nora asked "can I help". Barry smiled and said "of course Nora". Nora smiled and said "awesome". She then said "I need a place to stay". Barry smiled and said "you can stay with me and Kara, I mean I'll have to talk with her about it but she'll say yes". Nora smiled.

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