Proposal Preparations part one!

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A day later, Barry had sped made breakfast for both Kara and Nora. Nora was up early to head to help Caitlin and Cisco. She was very surprised to see her dad up so early as he would normally be in bed with her mum for a little while. She asked "dad, why are you up so early". Barry smiled and said "you and your mother are having a girls day today, you need a break too and me and Caitlin are gonna be busy today anyway". Nora said "but what about Thawne". Barry said "Nora, it can wait a couple days, I need Cait's help with that thing". Nora gasped. She smiled and excitedly asked "are you.... Do you have it". Barry smiled from ear to ear and showed her the beautiful engagement ring. He said "I got it a while ago". Nora said "it's beautiful". Barry said "thanks Nora, it was your great grandfather's, he proposed to your great grandmother with this ring". Nora smiled and asked "really". Barry nodded and said "your grandfather proposed to your grandmother with it as well". Nora smiled and whispered "now you're going to propose to mum with it". Barry smiled and nodded. He put it back in his pocket and said "now you enjoy breakfast, tell your mum that the coffee just needs water poured in, it's already been boiled, and enjoy your day". Nora smiled and hugged Barry. She said "enjoy your day too dad, tell aunt Caity that I said hi". Barry hugged her back and said "I will Nora, also, if your mum plans on coming for me at lunch time, text me". Nora nodded and said "I will dad". Barry smiled and sped off.

Barry met with Caitlin in Noonans. The two sat down at a table and sipped on their coffee's. Caitlin asked "so why are you dragging me away from trying to Find a way to destroy the negative speedforce". Barry chuckled and said "you deserve a break from it, plus I need your help". Caitlin asked "what with". Barry smiled and said "I was going to propose to Kara next week". Caitlin asked "are you not anymore". Barry said "I am, Felicity said that I should, I thought that with you know..... With Ollie's funeral coming up, that it felt wrong to do it so soon, but Felicity told me that if I didn't, that she would and I quote 'make your life a living hell, that by the time I'm done with you, you're gonna be wishing you stayed dead during crisis' so I need your help getting things ready". Caitlin giggled a little and said "she probably would, we've all been waiting on it happening, you two are perfect for each other and you should Bar, you need to take the chance you have while things are still peaceful and of course I'll help, you are the closest thing I have to a brother and I know how much Kara means to you, I just want you to be happy and I know Kara makes you happy, so where do we start". Barry smiled and said "I need a song, preferably not Summer Loving". Caitlin asked "are you ever gonna let that go". Barry chuckled and said "nope, I'm going to treasure it till the day I die". Caitlin sighed and said "but you already did". Barry smiled and said "fine, until the day I die and don't come back to life". Caitlin smiled a little and said "which will hopefully be a long time away". Barry nodded and said "come on, we can head to the apartment, Kara and Nora shouldn't be there when we get back, Kara says they were gonna go for a walk, she really feels bad that I'm not included but I told her repeatedly this morning before I got up and made their breakfast that it was fine". Caitlin smiled and said "that's sweet of her, she just loves spending time with her boyfriend and future daughter, but a girls day is what she needs, you both spend so much time together, I'm honestly surprised that you haven't fallen out". Barry chuckled and said "we'd like to keep it that way". Caitlin smiled and said "let me just go get another coffee then we can go".

Barry and Caitlin walked together along the busy streets of National City in a comfortable silence. Caitlin finally spoke up "is it just me or is it still strange that we share an earth with Kara, that National City is just here". Barry smiled and said "sometimes I think we are on earth 38 but I'm used to being in this city". Caitlin nodded and said "I'm gonna miss you when we head back to Central City". Barry smiled and said "hey, we can race over and visit anytime, it'll take less than a second to get there so it's no issue". Caitlin nodded and said "I know, it's just, everything has changed and not just with the whole crisis thing, you are about to take a massive step in your life and soon you'll be married, it's going to be hard not having you in our lives everyday". Barry said "hey, we're family, whenever you want to call and just chat, you can, whenever you want to come visit, you can, I don't want it to change much either, but change isn't always a bad thing". Caitlin nodded and said "I guess but you and Cisco are my constants in life, the ones I know are going to be around all the time, but... That's changing". Barry said "me and Kara have spoken about it, when Nora and Dawn are here, we're thinking about getting a house in Central City, we're gonna keep the apartment but it isn't ideal for kids, just for whenever we're here you know but we're going to need a bigger house, we are going to be getting Star Labs back out there anyway". Caitlin smiled and asked "really". Barry nodded and said "yeah but one step at a time, proposal first and then hopefully if she says yes, wedding next". Caitlin smiled and nodded. Barry was about to speak again when a blond woman in a white blouse and black skirt, accidentally bumped into them both as she pulled her suitcase of the bus, causing Caitlin to drop her coffee. Barry managed to grab the cup before it hit the floor and spilled. He handed it back to Caitlin who smiled a little at him. The blond said "oh my God.... Oh I'm so sorry, I should have been paying more attention". Caitlin said "no it's fine". Barry chuckled and asked "what's the rush anyway". The woman said "oh I was supposed to be here an hour ago, I was meant to have an interview at National City news, I want to be a reporter, but well Gotham isn't the nicest place, there was a massive city lockdown, some asylum escapees were causing trouble, it was recently just lifted and I need to get to the hotel as well". She sighed and said "guess I'm not getting the job". Barry said "sorry to hear, we shouldn't hold you then, maybe you'll get lucky". The woman said "thank you...." . Barry smiled and said "I'm Barry Allen, and this is Dr Caitlin Snow". The woman smiled and said "you're the owner of Star Labs, I heard you help the CCPD sometimes". Barry nodded and said "yeah we've helped in the past". The woman smiled and held out her hand. She said "I'm Vicki Vale". Barry smiled and shook her hand. He replied "nice to meet you Ms Vale".

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