Proposal Preparations part two!

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Barry and Caitlin walked with Vicky to her hotel. He smiled and said "well good luck with everything, I hope you get the job". Vicki smiled and said "thanks Barry, I hope I can too, but it's nowhere near as good as Catco, I was supposed to have an interview there first but you know, I can't work there anymore, since there is no Catco left". Barry nodded and said "yeah, my girlfriend Kara worked there". Vicki asked "Kara.... As in Kara Danvers". Barry smiled and said "yeah, do you know her". Vicky said "no, not personally, but I've read all her articles, she was a huge inspiration for me, that's why I want to be a journalist, she inspired hope to the people of National City". Barry smiled and said "she really does, she's great at what she puts her mind too". Vicki nodded and smiled. She asked "can.... Can we meet up sometime, like at Noonans or something, I don't really know my way around the city, and you're a great friend". Barry smiled and said "sure, I'd be more than happy too, is it ok if Kara joins us, she knows the city more than me". Vicki smiled and said "of course, oh I hope I don't embarrass myself". Caitlin smiled and said "you won't, and if you do, Kara wouldn't find you awkward, she is just as amazing as Barry is". Vicki smiled and said "that's a relief". Barry smiled and said "well good luck with your journalism, I really do hope that you can get the job, we need to go, we'll see you soon". Vicki smiled and said "good luck with the proposal". Barry smiled and said "thanks Vicki, see you later". Vicki said "bye Barry, bye Caitlin". The two waved goodbye and headed to Barry and Kara's apartment.

The two sat in Barry and Kara's apartment and brainstormed ideas on songs. They had finally come up with something and made a start on what he should do for the date. Caitlin asked "so you don't want to take her to a restaurant". Barry shook his head and said "no, we have gone to restaurants before, we do love it but I want it to be special". Caitlin asked "what did you do for your first date". Barry said "we um, I took her to the fields just outside the city where we first met, I had a blanket set up and all her favourite foods, we ate and then we lay together and star gazed". Caitlin smiled and said "do that then, we can hide the speaker, I can set everything up with some help, maybe Nora can help me, while you stay with her the whole day, or even practice what you want to say to her". Barry nodded and said "I can take her out for the day, I think the carnival is in town next week, she always told me how much she loves it, I can take her there". Caitlin smiled and said "it'll be a fun day for her then". Barry scratched his neck and said "I hope so, I know that she won't mind if it isn't perfect but I want it to be you know, I hope it is". Caitlin smiled and said "hey, you aren't preparing for it alone, it will be prefect Barry". Barry nodded and replied "I know, I have one of the best people in the world helping me". Caitlin smiled and said "thanks Barry, now how about we come up with a rough idea of what you are going to say to her, maybe you can even practice singing the song". Barry nodded and said "sure, it sounds like a plan".

As they were coming up with Barry's big proposal speech, Barry's phone rang. He smiled a little and said "oh, it's Kara". Caitlin smiled a little and said "I'll go wash these". She took two cups and headed to the kitchen. Barry answered his phone and said "hey babe". Kara giggled a little and said "hey babe, how is the whole negative speedforce thing coming along". Barry said "oh... Right yeah that, um it's going good, me and Cait are getting there". Kara said "that's good to hear, um anyway, me and Nora took out favourite route to walk, you know when we go along the waterfront". Barry nodded and said "yeah then we head for ice cream". Kara giggled and said "yeah, so I was thinking, you could join us, it doesn't seem right to do it without you, we could get lunch and then we could go get ice cream, Cait could come too, then you could go back to your science stuff". Barry said "um yeah sure, we'll meet you at the big belly burger in ten minutes". Kara said "ok, see you then Bar, love you". Barry said "see you soon, love you too".

Caitlin came back in as Barry put his phone away. Barry smiled a little and said "Kara called to see if we want to get lunch with her". Caitlin smiled and said "sure, yeah I'm starving". Barry nodded and said "she'll probably ask how we are doing with the negative speedforce thingy, so be prepared for that". Caitlin said "oh I can just say what we have so far". Barry nodded and said "oh I hope I don't give it away". Caitlin said "you won't, and afterwards, we can go to the fields and come up with what will go where, and maybe you can have another practice with what you want to say". Barry nodded and said "yeah, that sounds like a good idea, Kara will end up coming back here with Nora afterwards anyway, unless they find something else they want to do outside between now and dinner time". Caitlin smiled and said "well you might want to get rid of all these ideas then". Barry nodded and sped around the room and neatly organised the papers with ideas on what he could say to Kara and what he should cook or wear and all of that". Caitlin smiled and said "I can put all this in my car and we can drive over to Big Belly burger, it isn't that far anyway". Barry smiled and said "sure, if you don't mind". Caitlin said "of course I don't, come on, we need to get a move on". Barry lifted up the stack of papers and followed after Caitlin.

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