Rescuing past Kara!

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After leaving Kara with himself, Barry sped away towards Star Labs knowing that Zoom was going to be distracted with his other self. He then slowed down and sneaked his way along the hallway while vibrating himself so fast that the cameras wouldn't see him. He peeked into the Cortex and saw a couple meta's. One of them said "so what are we doing about the Kryptonian, why is Zoom keeping her here". The other meta said "He wants her and the speedster separated, she has been crying a lot and to be honest, I kind of feel bad". The first meta asked "seriously, of course you would". Barry stepped into the Cortex and stopped vibrating. He said "Why would you want a pretty girl to be upset, or any girl for that matter, that's just mean". The second meta asked "what.... How..... How did you get out". Barry smirked and said "you Do know who I am right". He then sped over to them both and knocked out the first meta. He was about to do the same to the second one when the second meta said "wait...." . Barry stopped just before he reached the second meta. The second meta said "I'm..... I'm a huge fan, my daughter loves you and would love it if you signed this poster". Barry chuckled and said "sure, why not". The man handed the Flash poster over and Barry signed it. He then handed it back. The meta smiled and said "thanks Flash". Barry nodded and said "go, before you end up like that guy, and if you tell Zoom then Iron Heights will gladly welcome you". The meta nodded and said "oh, ok, I won't Mr Flash, I won't tell Zoom". Barry waved to the guy as he ran out of the room. He then walked over to the monitors and looked through all the cameras. He smiled and said "I'm coming Kara, don't worry".

Past Kara sat in her cell with her knees up against her chest. She had her head in her hands as She quietly sobbed. She looked up as the pipeline hatch opened up. She was expecting it to be Zoom, so she was surprised when a meta flew right into the door of the cell and fell to the ground unconscious. Kara sprung up onto her feet and smiled a little when she saw Barry. She asked "Barry, is it really you". Barry smiled and removed his mask. He said "it's me Kara". Kara smiled and wiped away her tears. She sniffed and said "I uh, I like the beard". Barry smiled a little and said "thanks Kara". Kara asked "has it really been long enough for you to have a beard as good as that, the last time I saw you, you only had a small stubble, it's only been a couple days". Barry smiled and said "I guess my hair grows fast too". Kara giggled and said "maybe but it doesn't seem like it Barry, we've known each other since I first got here and I haven't seen it grow so fast". Barry smiled a little and said "it doesn't matter, let's just get you out of the cell". Kara nodded and said "I was afraid Zoom was going to hurt you..... Or worse". Barry smiled and said "well I'm ok Kara, you don't have to worry anymore". Kara smiled a little more and nodded.

Barry opened the cell door and asked "are you ok Kara". Kara took a few steps towards Barry and said "thanks to you Barry". Barry smiled and said "I'm glad to hea....." . He was cut of by Kara placing her lips on his and wrapping her arms around His neck. Barry's eyes widened in surprise but he found himself kissing back as he placed his hands on her waist. He then realised what he was doing and he pulled away from the kiss. Kara frowned and played with her fingers as She looked down. She sniffed and said "I'm so sorry Barry.... I.... I shouldn't have done that..... I just want you to know that... I love you.... You probably don't feel the same way but......" . Barry smiled and took Kara's hands. He said "hey, I'm sorry for making you think that I don't love you, I do, I love you more than anything". Kara looked back up at Barry and smiled a little As a tear fell from her eye. She said "you have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that". Barry chuckled and said "probably the same amount of time that I've wanted to tell you". Kara smiled more. She then frowned and asked "so what's wrong Barry". Barry smiled and said "I really shouldn't tell you, but I'm from the future, and I want to kiss you, believe me, but my girlfriend, future you, she would probably kill me". Kara smiled and asked "we get together". Barry nodded and said "I can't tell you too much, but we are". Kara smiled and hugged Barry. Barry smiled and hugged her back. Kara said "thank you". Barry said "you don't have to thank me Kara". They hugged for a little longer until they heard present Kara say "I guess that you don't need my help babe". Barry smiled and said "hey sweetie". He asked "did you manage to get past me out of the cell". Kara nodded and said "yep, it's now just up to them to keep the timeline on track". Barry nodded. The other Barry sped into the pipeline and merged back with him. Kara said "it is so cool that you can be in two places at once". Barry nodded and said "it is, but it's quite tiring". Kara pouted and said "but babe, we still need to do that thing when we get home". Barry chuckled and said "and we will, I can take a quick nap, I'll be fine". Past Kara asked "um...... When do you both get together.... Well I mean as in me and you I guess". Barry smiled and said "we really can't tell you, we need to keep the timeline as close to what it was as possible". Past Kara nodded. Kara smiled and said "it'll happen when it happens". Past Kara smiled and nodded. Barry said "well we should get back to the waverider". Suddenly they saw a flash of blue and then Zoom appear in front of them. He said in his demonic voice "you aren't going anywhere".

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