Back from the future part three!

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Barry sped with Winn as Kara landed at an apartment building. Kara said "according to all the signals the bombs were giving off, he should be in here". Barry said "makes sense, I mean, it has a view of where the parade was, and it looks abandoned". Kara nodded and said "yeah, also, nice to see that you didn't die Bar". Barry smiled and said "it wasn't hard, we've been through worse". Kara said "yes we have". Winn said "I love you two being cute and adorable but can we, you know, get on with this". Barry nodded and said "yep, Kara, so you want to kick the door open". Kara asked "together". Barry smiled and said "together". The two kicked the door open and the three entered the apartment complex. Winn asked "where is J'onn, Alex and Nia". Barry said "making sure everyone is safe". Winn nodded and followed Barry and Kara up the apartment to the floor Toyman was on. Kara said "he is in this one". Barry nodded and said "ok, shall we". Kara smiled and said "we shall". Kara kicked open the door and the three entered the room. Kara said "it's over". Toyman turned around with a massive smile and said "for all four of us". Winn asked "how we have you trapped....... Oh..... Guys, he rigged the entire building". Kara went to punch Toyman but he grabbed her arm and said "you have heard of kryptonite right, I needed you weakened enough that none of you will be making it out of here alive". Winn said "you do know him right". Toyman grinned and said "if course I know the Flash, but, if I am right, his powers will be useless right about now, you see, when you phased through all the bombs, you didn't know that you just let negative tachyons into your body, your speed will essentially be useless".

Toyman smiled as he held the detonator in his hand. He said "oh, I forgot to mention, if I drop this detonator...... Boom". Winn asked "why are you doing this". Toyman said "my world is gone, everything is gone, plus someone payed me a lot of money so I couldn't resist". Barry asked "who". Toyman said "never told me his name". Barry asked "you've seen him". Toyman said "yep, cocky fella, things he is the best, very rich". Barry asked "bald". Toyman said "yep..... So you know him". Kara said "Lex". Toyman said "guess you won't be able to stop him". Barry said "negative tachyons huh". Toyman said "yes, glad to see you were paying attention". Barry smiled and said "there were a lot of them right, the amount that you put in me". Toyman smiled and said "duh, you needed a lot to become slow". Kara said "Winn..... Can you maybe just put the detonator down..... Please". Toyman laughed and said "no chance Supergirl, I guess it's time to say your goodbyes". As Toyman pushed the button to the bomb, Barry's eyes flickered with electricity. He sped both Kara and Winn out of the building and put them down. They watched as the apartment blew up. Barry looked up and sighed a little. Winn patted him on the shoulder and said "thanks, I owe you one". Kara said "he's..... He's dead". Barry said "I could only get you both out, I'm sorry Kara.... I didn't have enough speed to go back for him". Kara sniffed and looked down. She said "it's ok Ba.... I mean uh Flash, he slowed you down". Winn said "he was going to die anyway". Both Barry and Kara looked at Winn. Winn said "Uh, any doppelganger that made it to this earth somehow due to the crisis will all die, since they aren't meant to exist, he was going to die". Barry said "and now we know that Lex is also up to something". Kara nodded and said "but we can't do anything about it yet, I mean he is the boss of the DEO, and everyone thinks he is a good guy". Barry smiled and said "so we take our time, approach it from different angles until we find something to use against him". Kara nodded and said "come on, we should all meet at the Tower, I mean we did what Winn came to do, we should celebrate, throw a welcome back party or a goodbye party or whatever". Winn smiled and said "I'd be up for two parties". Kara giggled and said "maybe Winn, maybe". Barry smiled and said "let's go then".

Lex sat in his office inside the DEO. Toyman entered with a massive grin. Lex asked without looking up "is it done". Toyman said "the Flash has been slowed down, although I'm not sure how long it will last". Lex nodded and said "if it comes to it, then we will do something he doesn't want, find his parents, keep an eye on them, if it doesn't work, kill them". Toyman smiled and said "he will come after you if you do that". Lex said "fair point, but I'm counting on it, also keep an eye on the Danvers as well, we want Supergirl and the Flash of the board first, if they fall the rest falls". Toyman grinned and replied "yes boss".

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