Mother-Daughter night part threel

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Nora sped into the training room within the tower to see Kara sitting fidgeting with her fingers as she glanced over to the door. Nora giggled and said "dad was right, you're getting impatient". Kara pouted and said "I can't help it Nora, I still can't properly control my powers, sometimes I just see things really slowly". Nora nodded and said "the same thing happened to me when I first discovered my powers, dad seems to be the only one who never had that problem". Kara smiled a little and nodded. She said "don't get me wrong, I sometimes love it, it's so peaceful, before I had these powers, your dad would bring me into Flashtime sometimes and we'd go for a walk, we both loved the peacefulness of it all". Nora nodded and said "it's so cool how sad can do it, he's the only speedster I know that can..... Not even... my dad from..... Earth 518 could do that".

Kara nodded as she stood up. She asked "what has you so happy though Nora, what did your dad say to you". Nora smiled and said "I um... I asked him if he could help me with my powers.... I want to learn more about them and he told me that he will once he joins us, he's just finishing with that thing". Kara nodded and asked "so what do you want to do". Nora smiled and asked "running on walls". Kara gasped and said "yes, ok we totally need to do that, I hated having to run inside and upstairs to get to a roof when you and your dad just ran up the sides". Nora looked at her with a confused expression and asked "you can fly right.... Or have you forgotten". Kara giggled and said "I am an idiot". Nora nodded and said "yeah you are". Kara frowned a little and said "Nora". Nora said "mum, relax I was kidding, me and dad can see that you love being a speedster, we're both really happy for you, I guess you love it more than flying". Kara nodded and sorted her glasses. She smiled from ear to ear and said "well we are one big speedster family now and you're right, I absolutely love the feeling of it all, it's so exciting". Nora nodded and said "and we're all connected, not just through blood". Kara nodded and added "but through the speedforce". Nora said "yeah, you know dad can sense when a speedster taps into the speedforce". Kara asked "is that why he normally turns around as I speed into the room". Nora nodded and said "probably, otherwise it's something to do with the connection you both have both had since before you became a speedster". Kara asked "what do you mean". Nora smiled and replied "love, mum, you are both connected through love, I swear you two are soulmates or something, you both seem to sense when the other is near or whenever you are both in trouble, anyone would be jealous of what you both have". Kara smirked and asked "do you have anyone in the future, from what you remember anyway, since you haven't been in the new timelines future". Nora shook her head and said "no, I don't". Kara asked "does your dad have a no friends with boys rule". Nora said "hey It isn't just dad, you're in on it too, but no there is no one". Kara nodded and smiled at her daughter.

Nora said "I remember this one time, I uh.. I was bullied at school a lot". Kara asked "you were". Nora nodded and sat down where Kara had been sitting. Kara sat down next to her. Nora said "it was my first year of high school, this kid bullied me and Dawn, we never told you or dad, we thought it was a one time thing and that would be it, but it kept happening". Kara frowned and looked down. She asked "what happened". Nora said "um you know what, I... I don't even know why I brought it up, can we just train now". Kara shook her head as her frown was replaced by a serious expression. She said "Nora Allen, what happened". Nora frowned and said "it didn't stop mum, I went to the teachers but they done nothing, I went to you, you spoke to the teachers and the principle and they done nothing". Kara asked "did it eventually stop". Nora nodded and said "I was being bullied so I hit the guy back, his dad was in later that day, he told them that his son was doing nothing wrong, that he was just messing around". Kara sighed and muttered "unbelievable". Nora nodded and said "dad was called and he came in, I hadn't ever seen him angry before, he is always smiling and nice to everybody but that day he wasn't, me and the other kid was told of for fighting. As we were leaving, the other kid's dad said something to my dad about me keeping my hands to myself, as soon as he said it, dad had punched him, he broke his nose, dad then took me home and I thought he would have been angry at me for fighting back but he wasn't". Kara said "me and your dad was bullied at school too, he knows what it's like, we both do". Nora nodded and said "I know, he told me that while it's not always the right option, to fight back instead of running, that he was proud that it stood up for myself and my sister". Kara smiled a little. She asked "so the bullying stopped". Nora nodded and said "the kid was treated harshly at home, he took out his anger at school, turns out the dad was an alcoholic, he was taken away from his dad and he didn't bother us again, we actually became friends with him after some time". Kara smiled a little and said "well that's good to hear". Nora nodded and smiled a little. She said "it did suck but you and dad were there for me and Dawn, like you always have been" . Kara giggled and asked "he really broke a guys nose". Nora nodded and said "he did, It was cool".

Barry smiled and pushed himself of the door frame that he had been leaning on. He said "I certainly hope you didn't think that". Nora smiled and said "but you were standing up for me dad". Barry smiled and sat down next to Nora. He said "of course I did, you are our daughter, there is nothing that we wouldn't do for you to make you happy". Kara giggled and said "except let her have a boyfriend". Barry chuckled and said "she's fifteen, she doesn't need one". Nora huffed but couldn't help but smile. Kara smiled and asked "oh yeah and when did we start dating, in this timeline anyway, we were a year older than Nora is". Barry said "the point is, we both love you very much Nora, and we are always here for you if you need it". Nora smiled and hugged both Barry and Kara really tightly. She said "I love you both so much". Kara smiled and replied "we love you too". Nora asked "can we train now".

Life after crisis: a SuperFlash storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن