Alternate future part one!

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Barry was the first to snap out of his frozen state. He ran into another room where the crying was coming from. He noticed that the room was a pink colour. He saw a white cot in the far side of the room. Barry walked over to see a little blond baby girl crying. Barry smiled and lifted her up. He rocked her from side to side and said "hey you, you look so much like Kara...... And you remind me of Nora". After a little while the baby stopped crying. Kara asked "Barry". Barry turned around and smiled. Kara noticed the baby girl in his arms and teared up. She asked "is that..... Is she". Barry said "she's ours Kara, we have a daughter". Kara walked over and smiled at the baby girl. She said "she looks so much like Nora". Barry smiled and said "I was thinking that too". Kara said "maybe she is Nora". Barry smiled and said "she's beautiful". Kara giggled and said "oh my Rao she has your eyes Bar". Barry chuckled and said "and she has your hair colour". Kara smiled and said "we have a baby". Barry said "we do". Kara asked "can, can I hold her". Barry smiled and said "of course babe". Barry handed Nora over to Kara and smiled. Kara said "she is so light". Barry said "she is, and she is so small". Kara smiled. Barry said "why don't we go sit and relax on the couch". Kara said "yeah, I would love that Bar". Barry smiled.

The two headed downstairs and sat on the couch. Kara sat with Nora in her arms. Barry smiled and wrapped his arm around Kara. Kara smiled and said "I can't believe we have a kid Barry, I really can't" . Barry smiled and said "I can Kara, I knew that one day you would get pregnant, and we would have an amazing child, I just never expected to skip the whole birth and that". Kara smiled and said "yeah, it is weird". Barry smiled and said "point is though, I knew we would have it one day". Kara smiled more and said "I love you Barry Allen". Barry said "I love you too Kara Danvers". Kara rested her head on Barry's shoulder. Barry said "we should go for a walk later, maybe stop by Star Labs, I need to check something". Kara said "ok Bar, yeah we can do that". Barry smiled and kissed Kara's forehead. Kara giggled and said "do you think this is the life we were meant to have from before the crisis in 2024". Barry said "except that we started dating way earlier". Kara said "yeah, and Nora gets to grow up with both her parents". Barry smiled and said "yeah, I'm glad". Kara said "me too". Barry said "well I will go make us lunch, you just relax Kar, then we can go for a walk". Kara smiled and kissed Barry. She said "thanks Bar".

The two ate lunch, Barry get Nora and then they went for a walk. Barry was pushing the pram/stroller as Kara walked beside him. Kara smiled and said "this is so nice, you know, having a somewhat normal life". Barry smiled and said "we don't know if it's normal yet though Kar". Kara said "I know but, well it seems normal for now and it's so strange, I mean I had to act normal growing up until I became, you know Supergirl, and I love being Supergirl don't get me wrong, it's so fun especially when I'm with you, and just helping people, but I actually really like this, and I hope it can be like this as well, I don't know, it's just sometimes I think it's because of me that everything bad happens on my earth". Barry said "I felt that way, I honestly did, not about it being your fault, As in my fault that Thawne showed up, or Zoom, or even Savitar, I feel like if I wasn't struck by lightning that night, all these villains wouldn't be there". Kara said "no Barry, it isn't your fault, didn't you say in the original timeline there was a particle accelerator explosion in 2020 and that's when you became the Flash". Barry said "yeah according to Thawne". Kara said "if you didn't become a hero, all these villains would still be around, and more people would be hurt, but because you became the amazing hero that you are, it's a lot better than it could have been if you weren't the Flash". Barry smiled and said "same applies to you Kara, even if you hadn't become Supergirl, all those fort rozz escapees would have been there and they would have done a lot of bad things, you can't blame yourself Kar, there will always be bad people out there". Kara smiled and said "thanks Bar, I am so, so very glad I have you in my life". Barry said "me too Kar, I'm glad that I have you, and I know little Nora is too". Kara giggled.

The two headed into Star Labs and along the corridor. Kara asked "what are we doing here anyway Bar". Barry smiled and said "I need to check something in the time vault". Kara nodded and said "ok, We'll come with". Barry nodded and They made their way to the time vault with Kara carrying Nora. Barry walked over to the podium at the far side of the room. He asked "Gideon". The A.I appeared and said "yes Mr Allen". Barry asked "is there a future newspaper from 2024". Gideon replied "yes Mr Allen, there is". Kara asked "can we see it". Both of them were dreading what was going to show up. Gideon said "of course Mrs Allen". Barry took Kara's hand as the newspaper showed up. Tears filled both of their eyes as they read the newspaper heading 'Flash missing, vanishes in crisis'.

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