Something in the subway!

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Barry and Kara sat in the Tower waiting for Oliver and Kate to get back. Kara asked "so how exactly are these power sources going to help". Barry smiled and said "well Lex, Lena, Cisco and Caitlin are all working on the device, the three power sources when combine should have enough energy to power the device". Kara said "and the device is going to create this new speedforce". Barry said "basically, the device will cause a big bang, kind of like what started the universe, but instead of the universe, it'll be the speedforce, just hopefully it doesn't destroy our new universe in the process". Kara smiled and said "it won't, you are smart Barry, and the four working on it now are smart too, it'll work". Barry smiled at Kara and said "you're right". Kara sat down on Barry's lap and began to kiss him. Barry smiled and kissed back. Oliver and Kate came into the room at that moment. Oliver said "we're back, if you two could uh save that for later". Barry and Kara pulled away from their kiss with red faces. Barry and Kara stood up and walked over to join the two. Barry asked "did you find anything". Oliver said "the person we followed from the subway, headed to an abandoned apartment complex, when we went inside, They were dead". Kara asked "did you find anything else". Kate said "no, not yet, we got some DNA and we were hoping to find out who it is, maybe that can help us, but there was nothing else". Barry said "they must have been killed for a reason, They probably knew something and were a lose end that needed cut off". Oliver said "that's what I'm thinking too". Kate asked "so are we going in". Barry nodded and said "let's get this over with". 

Barry, Kara, Kate and Oliver were all sat in a car not too far from the subway. Oliver and Kate got out and collected their things from the back of the car as Barry and Kara talked. Kara smiled and said "remember, if you need my help for anything Bar, and I mean anything, just say and I'll be there". Barry smiled and said "I know babe". Kara smiled and said "keep safe ok". Barry pecked her on the lips and said "I'll do my best". Kara smiled. Barry smiled at her and then got out of the car. Oliver handed Barry a quiver and Barry's bow. Barry put the quiver on. Kara opened the car window and said "babe". Barry smiled at Kara and asked "what's up". Kara smiled and said "one more kiss before you go". Barry chuckled and pressed his lips onto Kara's. Kara smiled and kissed back. Barry pulled away a minute later and said "we'll be back soon". Kara nodded. Kate said "don't worry Kara, we aren't going to let anything happen to Barry". Kara smiled and said "thanks but you two keep safe too". Oliver nodded and said "come on, we should get a move on". The three headed over to the subway. Kara rolled the window back up and said "please be careful Bar". 

Barry and Oliver entered the subway with their bows drawn. Kate followed in after them. There was a derailed train and rubble everywhere. Kate asked "what happened here". Barry said "it was the worldkillers that did this, They almost destroyed Kara's earth but J'onn's father sacrificed himself and halted it long enough for Kara to stop Reign, on this Earth I helped her and then she didn't end up having a somewhat evil clone being controlled by Lex Luthor, I guess this subway got damaged and They just abandoned it". Oliver asked "so we are here for the final power source". Barry nodded and said "and hopefully something on Leviathan". Kate looked around and said "there doesn't seem to be anything here". Barry said "there has to be a secret entrance somewhere". Oliver looked around and said "well we can't use cameras to help us, I guess we should start looking around". Barry nodded.

The three started looking around the place. They felt around the walls and in cracks. But they couldn't find anything. Barry climbed onto the train and entered the front cabin. Kate asked "why would there be anything on the train". Barry said "I don't know, I'm just having a look". Oliver walked over and asked "anything". Barry sighed and said "no..... Wait, hold on, was the person you were following wearing some sort of medallion or anything". Oliver nodded and said "yeah, why". Barry asked "do you have it". Kate said "yeah I have it here, why". Barry said "I want to see if this works". Kate asked "see if what works". Barry said "can you just hand it over". Kate smiled and tossed Barry the medallion. Barry looked at it and said "this is definitely alien". Kate sarcastically said "really, I thought it was French". Barry chuckled and shook his head. Oliver asked "so what do you think it was for". Barry said "I think that if I put it in this slot here". Barry put the medallion into a slot in the train controls. Barry smiled and twisted it round. He said as the wall opened up revealing a hidden area "that we should be able to enter Laviathan's base". Oliver said "smart". Barry said "thanks". He dropped down out of the train and the three walked over to where the wall opened up. Kate asked "shall we go and get this power source to create this new speedforce". Barry nodded and said "we don't know what's in here so get ready for anything". Oliver drew his bow again and said "don't have to tell me twice". Barry activated his comms and said "Kara, we're heading in now, we've found it". Kara said "ok Bar, I'm ready if you need me". Barry smiled and said "thanks Kar, we'll see you soon". Kara said "good luck Bar". Barry smiled and said "thanks Kara, love you". Kara said "love you too". Barry nodded at Kate and Oliver and the three made their way into the hidden area.

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