Entering the Endgame!

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Both Barry and Kara glared at Thawne who was grinning at Gamemnae's lifeless body. Kara was free from the earth that has held her due to Gamemnae, the moment Thawne killed her. Thawne smirked at Barry and Kara. He then frowned a little, fake hurt and asked "what's with the glares, I saved your lives, you should be thanking me". Barry said with anger "why would I ever do that". Thawne smirked again and said "you are probably wondering why I saved you". He chuckled a little and continued before Barry or Kara could say anything "it's simple really, I want to kill you myself..... Now I could do it right now when you're all bloody and injured". He sped over to Barry and vibrated his hand towards his chest. He stopped vibrating it as his hand reached Barry's chest and pulled his hand away. He stood back up straight and sped back to his spot. He then said "but what's the fun in that... I always like a good chase first, but you are in no condition to do that, are you Barry". Barry said "go to hell Thawne". Thawne shook his head and replied "Barry, Barry, Barry, I thought you were raised better than that by mummy and daddy..... Oh wait.... Whoops". Kara said "I've been meaning to kick your ass for that". Thawne said "Kara, you wouldn't stand a chance against me..... Unless".

Thawne started laughing and turned to face Barry again. As he continued to laugh, he said "you.... you made her a speedster, that sure changes things". Barry said "you aren't going to touch her". Thawne shook his head and said "that's up to you Barry, if you can beat me, I won't, but we all know that I'm always ten steps ahead". Kara asked "and how does Leviathan fit into all of this". Thawne smirked and said "I learned of the famous Green Arrow's sacrifice, he needed to sacrifice himself to save you two, that's how this fits into it Ms Danvers, you two won't be focused, to blinded by grief that you won't see me coming". Barry managed to stand up onto his feet despite the pain in his leg. He glared at Thawne and said "we'll be prepared for you, every time". Thawne said "there's the fight in you, I want this to be a challenge, I want you to fight at your hardest, it'll be more satisfying when I take everything from you". Barry said "you can't count on me fighting at my hardest Thawne, it ends this time". Thawne chuckled and replied "something we finally agree on, until next time... Flash".

As Thawne sped away leaving behind a trail of red lightning, Kara had stood up with the help of Barry. She turned to him and rested her hand on his cheek. She asked "are you ok". Barry hugged Kara tightly and let out a deep breath. Kara hugged him back and rested her chin on his shoulder. Barry said "I'll get there.... How are you, are you ok" . Kara giggled a little and said "I'm not the one that was stabbed in the leg". Barry said "we'll get Cait to check on it once we're back, you too, you need checked over". Kara asked "can you check me over, I'm not really that comfortable with it, I will be if its you". Barry nodded and said "ok, I'm not much of a doctor though". Kara smiled and said "you're smart enough". Barry nodded and looked at the damaged Catco. He then frowned and sniffed. Kara asked "Bar, what's wrong". Barry said "Oliver........ He's gone..... He...... We need to tell Felicity". Kara nodded and said "let's get going then, we can tell everyone to gather, get everyone to help with the clean-up of the city". Barry nodded and asked "what's going to happen with Catco". Kara said "I'm quitting". Barry asked "you are". Kara nodded and said "I want to move on, so something else that I can actually make a difference with, I hear that my boyfriend owns Star Labs". Barry chuckled a little and pulled away from the hug as he wiped away some tears. He said "well I think your boyfriend would accept that". Kara giggled a little and wiped away her own tears. Barry asked "do you mind giving me a lift". Kara smiled a little and sped away with Barry towards the Tower.

Kara put Barry down onto his feet and kept a hold of him to make sure he didn't fall. Barry smiled a little at Kara and said "I'm ok, you didn't hurt me". Kara smiled a little and nodded. Lena asked "did we do it". Kara said "their leader was killed, it was Thawne, we just hope that Leviathan is finished". Lex asked "why would Thawne kill Leviathan's leader". Barry said "because he's the one who wants to kill me, he's obsessed that way". Felicity asked "and Oliver". Barry looked down as tears filled up his eyes. He said "I'm so sorry Felicity". Felicity teared up and hugged Barry. Barry hugged her back as he began to sob. He said "I'm so sorry Felicity, I'm sorry". Felicity started to sob as well. She asked "was..... Was he in pain". Barry sniffed and said "we think it was quick". Felicity nodded and continued to hug Barry. She said "It wasn't your fault Barry". Barry sniffed and said "but.... All of this wouldn't have happened, if I had done something about the crisis, the second I found out about it". Felicity shook her head and said "please don't beat yourself up about this, Oliver wouldn't want you too". Barry sniffed and nodded. Kara said "I'm really sorry about Oliver". Felicity said "not you too, it isn't your fault Kara". Kara nodded and hugged the two to them as she sobbed as well. Barry and Felicity both hugged her back.

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