lunchtime break!

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Kara smiled as she sat down at a table inside big belly burger. Nora sat down across from her and asked "how long do you think it'll take dad to get here". Kara replied "well the.... You know, tower isn't that far away so not long". Nora nodded and asked "so what are we going to do after lunch". Kara said "to be honest, I honestly don't know, I don't want to go home and watch a movie because we do that a lot". Nora nodded and asked "how about a run through the city". Kara nodded and said "yeah that sounds good, then we can Maybe stop by the tower and see how your dad is doing, or maybe we can go to where I first met your dad, it's a nice spot". Nora said "um or we could train a little, I mean I know more about our speedforce powers than you do..... It could be useful for the future". Kara nodded and said "yeah that's a great idea Nora, we should probably go to the spot with your dad, I mean it is our spot". She smiled more when she saw Barry and Caitlin coming over. Barry sat down next to her and pecked her on the lips. Caitlin took her seat next to Nora. Barry said "hey, sorry we took a little while". Kara smiled and said "it's fine babe". Caitlin smiled and asked "shall I go order our usual". Kara said "yeah please". Nora smiled and said "I'll help". Caitlin smiled and said "come on then". Nora smiled and stood up then followed Caitlin to order their lunch.

Barry smiled and asked "so what we're you guys talking about". Kara said "oh we were just thinking about what we're going to do after lunch, we've had a lot of fun but it would be better if you were there Bar". Barry smiled and said "I know babe and I would love to spend time with my girlfriend and our future daughter but this is important". Kara pouted. Barry chuckled and said "it's not as important as my family but it needs to be done". Kara nodded and said "I know Bar and I know that us not spending a lot of time together will be good for us but it's different, I miss being with you". Barry said "and I miss being with you babe but you're right, some time apart will be good, I might have to again in a couple of days but it's the last time, I promise". Kara nodded and said "it's ok Bar". Barry smiled and asked "so what are you both gonna get up too". Kara said "we are gonna go for a run together, we were then gonna come visit you at the tower or I was gonna show Nora our special spot where we first met but then I decided, we should do that together, so Nora is gonna teach me some things about the speedforce, it's good to be prepared, especially with Thawne still out there". Barry nodded and said "yeah that's good, me and Cait are gonna work more on the um, you know the negative speedforce thingy, we think we're finally getting there but we hit a bump, that's why I might have to help again in a couple of days". Kara nodded and said "Bar, if anyone can find the way to beat Thawne, it'll be you". Barry said "I know Kar, I know, I have everyone here". Kara smiled and nodded.

The two were engaged in deep conversation when Caitlin and Nora came back with the trays of food. Nora asked "what were you guys talking about". Kara smiled and said "Krypton and Barry's pet dog he had when he was a kid". Caitlin asked "you had a dog". Barry nodded and said "yeah it was called fluffy, I know it isn't the best name but". Kara interrupted "are you kidding, fluffy is like the best name ever, it's so cute". Barry smiled and said "thanks Kara". Kara smiled and said "sorry for interrupting Bar". Barry chuckled and said "it's fine". Caitlin asked "how come you've never mentioned it before, even I didn't know that". Barry said "it was the best dog ever but I only had it up until I was five, it was already an older dog when we got it, I was devastated for weeks". Kara frowned and said "I would be too, I was never allowed a dog when I arrived here, they didn't want me crushing it". Barry nodded and said "I haven't had one since, it's not the best idea considering what we do". Kara nodded and said "the villains would kidnap the poor pup and force us to do what they want". Barry chuckled and said "I don't think they'd stoop that low". Kara said "well you'd be surprised Bar". Barry said "probably". Kara nodded and bit into her burger. She asked "so did you only work on the negative speedforce thingy". Barry chuckled and said "babe, please never eat and talk again". Kara swallowed her food and said "sorry". Barry chuckled and shook his head. He said "it's ok Kar, it's just we could barely make that out there". Caitlin smiled and said "I just ran a couple tests on Barry, you were both fighting a lot and thrown about, I just wanted to make sure he was fine and that he has had plenty of rest". Kara asked "is he in the clear". Caitlin nodded and said "yeah, he's perfectly fine". Kara smiled and said "that's good, at least we are getting sleep again, I never want to enter a nightmare ever again". Barry said "believe me Kar, we won't ever be doing it again". Kara nodded and said "thank Rao". Barry chuckled and shook his head. Nora smiled and asked "was it that bad". Kara nodded and said "it was horrible Nora, it was worse than that time when Alex forced me into watching Saw, I hated that, I have never seen a horror since". Barry nodded and said "I don't watch them either, they seem more like Oliver's thing..... Or.... Well they... They did". Kara said "they do, Felicity even mentioned it at some point". Barry smiled a little and nodded. Nora smiled and finished her lunch. She asked "can we go get ice cream now". Barry smiled and said "sure, let's get going then". Kara smiled and with the help of Barry, took everyone's rubbish and put them in the bins while Caitlin and Nora waited outside. Kara smiled and took Barry's hand. She asked "shall we get going Mr Allen". Barry nodded and replied "we shall Ms Danvers". The two laughed a little as they joined Caitlin and Nora outside.

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