To the future we go!

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Nora pouted at her parents as they sat in the living room putting their shoes on. She asked "why can't I come with you both". Barry smiled and said "Nora we're going to the 31st Century, we don't know what we are heading into, not to mention that we shouldn't be time travelling in the first place, we don't know how dangerous it's going to be". Nora whined "but dad, don't you control the new speedforce now". Barry chuckled and said "kind of Nora but still, you are staying at the tower until we are back, we'll only be gone for a second or two anyway". Kara giggled and said "sorry sweetheart, we would bring you, you know that, but it's just in case things go wrong". Nora nodded and said "ok, you're right, but next time, I want to come". Barry hugged his daughter and said "I promise you Nora, we'll bring you next time". Nora nodded and hugged her dad back. She said "be careful dad". Barry smiled and replied "you know me Nora". Nora giggled a little and said "I know you'll be ok dad". Barry smiled as Nora then hugged her mother. Kara hugged Nora back and said "we'll be back before you know it Nora, then we can stay up and watch a movie tonight to make it up to you". Nora smiled and said "I'm holding you to that mum". Kara smiled and said "fair enough, we'll see you soon ok". Nora nodded and then watched as her parents sped out of the house before speeding away to the Tower to wait on them coming back.

Barry and Kara came to a stop in the fields outside of National City at their favourite spot. Kara giggled and asked "so how are we doing this". Barry chuckled and said "oh that brings back memories". Kara smiled and said "yeah it does". Barry smiled and stood next to Kara, taking her hand in his. He said slightly joking, but serious at the same time "we could seriously mess this up and end up in a completely different time period than where we are trying to get too, so we need absolute focus ok". Kara nodded and replied "I can focus, that's easy, it isn't like I'm with my fiance and can get easily distracting thoughts". Barry asked "really Kar". Kara smiled and said "yeah Bar, I can't get that proposal out of my head, oh and our first date, I think of that all the time". Barry let out a sigh of relief as he smiled and said "for a moment I thought you were thinking about something else". Kara giggled and said "sometimes Bar, but I can't let myself be distracted by that right now, besides it isn't always on my mind". Barry chuckled and retorted "debatable". Kara giggled as she sorted her glasses. She asked "so what are we doing exactly". Barry said "we're going to run, we need to think about what moment in time we want to go to once we are in the time stream, if you loose focus, we could end up in the wrong area, we'll probably see moments from our future, ignore them ok". Kara nodded again and replied "got it". Barry muttered "this is gonna be hard". Kara lightly slapped Barry's arm and said "hey, it's my first time babe". Barry rubbed his arm and replied "what I meant honey, was that I have only time travelled seven years into the future before, let alone a thousand". Kara giggled and said "oh, well sorry for slapping you then". Barry chuckled and said "it's ok Kar, you know I wouldn't say that about you right". Kara pecked Barry on the lips and said "yeah babe, so are we ready to time travel, I'm so excited". Barry nodded and said "let's get going".

The two took off from their position and sped up as They ran. The two entered the time stream making Kara smile with excitement. As They ran, they saw their second fight against the Anti Monitor, They then saw themselves talking to the Music Meister in their apartment. The two ignored them and continued running. Kara squeezed her eyes shut when she seen Barry trying on a suit then talking to Oliver. Barry asked "what did you see Kara". Kara said "wedding spoilers Bar". Barry chuckled and said "ok, you're doing great honey, just try keep focus". Kara nodded and gripped Barry's hand tighter as They kept running. They both saw themselves standing in what looked like the hangar they are using for the hall of justice, just minus the round table, Team Flash, Arrow and the legends were all gathered, along with Eobard Thawne, two Barry's and two Kara's. The other Barry was wearing his old suit during his second and third year as the flash. The other Kara, wearing the old supergirl suit, was holding a baby girl, while Barry and Kara were wearing their newer suits. Kara smiled and said "guess we're going to be teaming up with our doppelgangers at some point". Barry chuckled and replied "maybe Kara, it isn't set yet, it might not happen". Kara nodded and decided to not focus on it. The two then saw one last future event. Barry and Kara were both fighting alongside other heroes who They couldn't identify. They were surrounded by what looked like demon humans with wings.

After some more running, the two came out of the time stream in some alleyway. Kara asked "are we in the right place". Barry said "let's find out". Kara giggled as They left the alley. She exclaimed "that was so cool, it's much better than travelling through time on the waverider". Barry looked around the city in awe. Kara gasped as well as she took in the surroundings. She asked "can we get one of those flying cars, this is like back to the future". Barry said "I know right". Kara asked "how are we going to find Winn, I don't even know where here is". Barry asked "he's part of the Legion of Superheroes right". Kara nodded and replied "yeah he is". Barry asked "why don't we just look for the Legion base, surely we can find it right". Kara replied "I guess we can try, but good first, I'm starving". Barry smiled and said "good luck paying for it honey". Kara pouted and said "we need to get food, I'm starving babe". Barry said "well I brought the protein bars with me". Kara asked "you mean those gross bars that tastes like cardboard, no thanks hon". Barry chuckled and replied "I know Kar, I know they are horrible, but it's the best we have". Kara huffed and said "fine, but we better find Winn and fast because I refuse to eat more than two of those things". Barry said "fast we can do babe". Kara smiled and said "well let's stop standing and admiring the future technology and let's get going". Barry chuckled and said "ok but can you slow down babe, I'd like to keep my arm". Kara smiled and said "ok fine, I do like a nice long walk". Barry smiled and replied "me too" as They walked along the sidewalk.

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