Chapter 20- Finding the Gateway

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Jiro couldn't help but feel a welling feeling of shame. Had he been doing this for any other reason, there might be some justification for it but as it stands now, he was being a creep.

Down this path, surrounded only by fields of grass as far as the eye could see, with a mountain range off to the right and an endless sea of clear space to the left, two figures off the distance, approximately thirty, maybe forty feet away walked without so much as a care in the world. He trailed behind them close by, hoping to find his chance in interacting with them again. There was a bit of a problem though, they were unaware of his presence.

"Hey!" a small squeaky voice let out breaking his concentration.

Jiro quickly turned around half-hesitantly and whispered back. "Shush, you're going to get us caught."

It was Yani, one of his recruited harem girls that he had met back on one of his excursions on a lake covered in mist to fight a mythical creature that had been haunting the forest and the inhabitants nearby. She, like the others naturally had fallen prey to his abilities, and was now entangled in the ever-growing group of girls he recruited. There wasn't much too say that stood out about the girl, she was cute, round black eyes and a short bob dark hair, lean and quick on her feet. She had to be since she became the groups rouge after joining. Outside her above average appearance, there was in his thought, very little to show off.

'Her cup size is about a B, maybe borderline high C. She's got a good a-focus!'

Had she been the first girl he had recruited he might have been more excited, but considering he got three others with much better measurements and a much unique appearance, Yani proved to be the short stick. Still, she was fun to have around and easy to talk to, so she had that going for her.

Yani frowned, which Jiro quickly gulped nervously thinking she had somehow read his inner thoughts. However, she spoke softly afterwards. "Why are we stealthing up to stalk these two people?"

He glanced back at the other faces he recognized all too well. Yua their warrior sub front line tank, Mai the support, and Mioko the mage of the group. Once more his eyes fell down to Yani, the rogue. Their team was well rounded all things considering.

He felt his mouth open and close for a few moments without a single excuse escaping his lips. What reasonable statement could he give to just up and summoning everyone in seconds notice and forcing them to leave the town mid celebration to follow the two strangers he knew nothing about? "J-just, is there any information you can give me on them?"

Yani looked away for a split second and then back at him. "Nothing, whoever they are, they locked their Status with something powerful. I can't even see their names."

Jiro sighed and turned around too much of the others concern. They could keep this pointless following around for a while but it didn't seem like they were going to get any information soon. He had prepared for a long journey, with a number of skills to cover their tracks.

[Camouflage] was an easy skill that blended a target with the background, making them nearly invisible to anyone who wasn't paying attention. However, it was still easy to make sounds, so in addition they were shrouded with another skill [Feather Footwork] which made their steps dead silent. This still didn't necessarily stop noises being made by their armor, it more so muffled it, so another layer needed to be added [Silent Fortification]. With these simple skills, not a single sound could be made, and even thought it wasn't the most perfect way of blending in with their surroundings, from this distance it would be impossible for them to notice.

For security though, Jiro had insisted on additional protection; [Obscure Essence] which would hide them from being detected by any form of energy alerting skills, [Minor Oversight] made it so those around a certain range would find it difficult to focus on their presence, and [Skill Aura Delay] which would not only delay any passives or skills that activate based on proximity, but would notify the user that such a thing was being used giving them a heads up to their opponents next move. With these and couple of potions increasing duration of skills, they were set to trail anyone for approximately ten to twelve hours at a time before needing to reapply. It wasn't a fool proof method, but nearly enough for anything and anyone they could think of.

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