Chapter 34- Found You

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The earth underneath quaked, the trees rumbled as the tremor of hundreds of wolves running through the forests at the same time shook the ground.

Kami who was flying through the air grinned with satisfaction at the sea of golden fur wolves, colliding with the enemy wolves which seemed vastly unprepared and confused.

The normal wolves that fought against her own army were no longer strong enough to instantly tear away at them, and the sheer volume of the golden ethereal wolves overwhelmed the small difference in power between the two oppositions. They swarmed on the smaller groups and took them down in a blink of an eye.

From their corpses, a light emerged twisting and forming another of its kind, another to her numbers.

'Two-hundred and thirty-four, two-hundred and thirty-five, two-hundred and thirty-six!'

As it turns out anything her summoning's took out would instantly join their ranks, making it easier than having to go wolf by wolf to add acquire their souls. More so, they all gained EXP collectively alongside herself, anything one took out, everyone else shared, in just a few the wolves were becoming increasingly stronger by enemy they slain.

'I never expected them to be efficient so fast! I should retire after this and just have a dog farm but for wolves.'

She stared down contently at the wave running through the wild forests searching, taking down anything in their path and growing in size as they did.

There were a number of questions she had about how the summoning's worked. For starters, why were they so weak when they became part of her summoning group. It seems no matter the small differences in strength or how many she added, they all reverted back to level one and had their stats cut. This was likely how the summoning system worked in this world, and so like she had said, she would follow the rules as long as it was something within the world's law.

Another question was the new stat line labeled 'Grade'. This implied that there were qualities to the summons she would get and there were different levels of them. Would it be possible to increase this quality of a summon by some means or were they relegated to being like this forever?

'I'll ask around the mages guild soon as I get back.'

Continuing, was there a limit to how many she could bring out? There was no cast or skill to bring them out, it seemed to be mostly tied to once will to bring forth the summoning. They definitely took mana, she had sense that there was a miniscule string of it being tucked at but it was so small that she had a hard time noticing it at all. Did this mean she could infinitely summon then as long as her mana allowed it?

There were a few other things she was pondering, but she would look more into it on a less pressing time.

Seeing the numbers grow made her forget what the true goal here was for a moment, one which she was quickly reminded of.

A howl, strong enough to send the wind in a frenzy made her and the wolves beneath stop in their tracks. It echoed, causing the trees to shiver under the weight and authority of its timber. The air was instantly filled with a heavy dread like something dangerous did not approve of what was going on.

Kami glanced around but couldn't see anything yet, even more so [Overworld Scan] did not display anything other than normal wolves coming at them. She was flying in the air as well so she had a more visual scan of her surroundings but true to her skills info, there was nothing else she could see.

'This howl did not come from a normal wolf though, its somewhere close for sure.'

The beast was listening in to her thoughts it seemed as without a warning a hit suddenly blasted the wolves under her command. It was a grand scale attack despite how quickly it had come. The air screeched under the intense blow, and a ball of wind expanded from where it struck and shredded everything in its path including everything that remained inside. The size continued to grow at a fast pace and sure enough in a blink of an eye half her wolves had been completely blown away, vanished into the blades of wind and compressed air pressure. The attack came to a hastily stop revealing a bare, torn land where it had struck and nothing more.

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