Chapter 14- In Kami's Absence

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Heaven was a large and vastly undiscovered wonderland by many of its inhabitants. Souls considered worthy after death would find themselves at the gates entrance of this magic land and live forever in eternal bliss, one way or another. Many have come to know that Kami was the ruler of this place, but for a while now, no one had really seen her. Her presence, eons ago was always present in a part of Heaven where she would sit upon a throne, and the souls who wished to be near her would travel there to feel God's glory. It was a place that was usually packed to the extreme with souls hoping to get a single word of exchange. However, that changed from one day to another; suddenly, the all-powerful being no longer came to sit and converse with them, leaving them in their empty eternal bliss. Things were far from bad though; in Heaven it was a perfect world. There was no need to eat, sleep, or work, although a soul could indulge in these things if they so wanted to. Trouble was not really a problem, most people could not find it to be worried, sad, or angry for any reason. Heaven's presence which was filled with God's power prevented them from delving into such negative emotions.

A soul was free to do as they wanted. Many of them traveled outside of Heaven's realm from time to time, to distant planets or galaxies as their own personal getaway vacations. Others would linger about, living in peace and tranquility, preferring to stay within Heaven's safety. There were cities, entire landscapes designed to hold the plentiful amounts of souls, and just like the mortal world, there were plentiful of activities to do.

In addition, it was filled with many others that were not just human when they were alive. Other races co-existed with them, from other worlds, it was strange to see one predominant kind of race in any part of Heaven. The enforces of the peace, although not really needed, were the angels, the ones most dedicated to God's will. They were in every tiny crook and crevice of Heaven, their numbers countless and their presence ever looming. For such, no one was ever out of sight of one of them.

In one area, to no one's knowledge, after God's disappearance from Heaven a single angel sat on a small booth glancing down at a drink he fumbled between his fingers. He looked gloom, idly staring down at the liquid substance inside the glass shaking back and forth as though hypnotized by its swaying. Next to it, on a plate, laid a small piece of dessert. It looked creamy, and even had a glow to it, as if to show its otherworldliness. There was a plum strawberry on top of the whipped cream, and a fork carefully placed on the side.

He sighed, reminiscing about the past. "She always liked sweet stuff..."

Say took a few sips from the glass, picked up the fork and started stabbing at it like he was dissecting a frog.

Since Kami had left, he had gone on a bender to find her. He had spent countless hours, years looking from universe to universe, spending all the resources available to Heaven and then some on finding her, yet nothing. How long had it been for Kami since she left? For him, it had been a rough few years, and the lack of response from her was starting to weigh on him. His attire looked a mess, his usual creaseless suit now looked like it had been crumbled and tossed over him. The buttons on his suit were either not aligned or left without an attempt to button up. His hair, usually well-trimmed was a bit of a mess, the kind of hair you get when getting up in the morning after a rough day. His face which was usually cleared of any facial hair, had grown a light barely visible layer over it. Admittedly, despite his less than presentable form, he was handsome enough to pull off a casual, laid back style that didn't look as bad as one would picture it.

A few of the other customers in the restaurant would glance at him every so often, but they didn't bother to ask or interact with the being it was obvious to them that it was an angel, on account of the wings he had tucked behind him.

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