Chapter 13- And Now, the Curse

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"Huaaah~! This was fun, I'm so excited for what the future brings!"

Kami alongside the others walked through the forest of trees.

They were standing a bit further behind the excited girl who twirled around energetically.


"Ah, e-eh, y-yeah?" Hiromichi instantly responded in a faint voice.

"Have you ever been to Alzel? What's the city like?"

"I, u-umm." he cleared his throat. "I never... been there."

"Hmmm... I wonder if there's shops where we can-" Kami's voice drifted into a conversation all of them hardly listened into.

Hiromichi let out a sigh and dragged his feet across the ground. "I-I'm not going to escape, am I?"

Keishi chuckled, he was alongside Himari, the only one who was in a good mood. "She's freaking scary."

Marie nodded. "I didn't expect her to be so..."

Asahi remained silent while Himari followed the closest after Kami, lingering on every word she spoke.

"It's the nice ones you don't usually want to get angry, isn't there something about that somewhere?" Keishi added.

"Agh...damnit she's so unreal! She's a mage, but she took that blow and survived, don't even think this f'ing armored up old man could take that blow and live!" Hiromichi was trying to wrap his head around how someone like that could exist.

Keishi and Marie nodded.

It easy to see why they were impressed with her surviving that attack. If she really were a mage, she would have to be one that was so strong that she could outmatch someone's defensive stat, like Asahi. This would mean she was potentially much more powerful than they could imagine.

"S-she was badly wounded though, that axe looked like it did a lot of damage to her." Marie pointed out.

"Yeah but she healed herself, she even has a healing ability. She can summon things, has offensive magic, and support magic as well. Her defensive stats must be strong enough to endure that hit, and her strength high enough to stop her from collapsing under the blow. She's abnormal to just be a normal adventurer." Keishi had really thought about the possibilities and was now pointing them out.

Asahi spoke up for the first time in a while. "It's possible she's a Hero."

They glanced at each other as if to confirm this idea.

Heroes were a rare sight. A Hero was a god or goddess choosing a representative and blessing them with their power. Heroes were people of incredible capabilities; comparing an adventurer to a Hero was almost insulting in terms of strength. Furthermore, within that category, there were Heroes who surpassed that title and enter another realm of power, but at this point it seemed more like talks of something unreal and unseen these days.

"I-I was thinking that too, so I used [Data] to see her stat information." Marie said.

"And?!" Hiromichi was the first one to respond. It seemed like he was the most curious out of all of them.

"I-I'm not sure, it's possible she's falsifying her information in a really bad way. Her stat points are high, higher than anyone I have seen, but her level is incredibly low. She also doesn't have a Class picked and-" she grew quiet as the other anxiously waited for her to continue. "-and her title, reads as Goddess of All and Runaway Goddes."

Asahi burrowed his eyebrows. "It seems ludicrous, the information is so bad its almost obviously a lie. She must be hiding her true power."

It occurred to them that they had stopped hearing Kami rambling for a bit of a while now. Theirs eyes turned over to where she had been leading from and they saw her walking backwards, staring back at them.

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