Chapter 56- Draconian Empire

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How tedious the last couple of days had become. There was so much in play that he had hardly any time to properly relax. Such things were common though for someone of his status, someone at the helm of the entire Draconian Empire.

He stood particularly firm and unflinching next to an open window with full view of the outside. The day was bright and unnaturally soothing. The light breeze of the afternoon carried a fresh scent of something sweet and nurturing, perhaps the kingdoms personal garden had blessed him with something to calm the nerves. As per the rest of the view, far as he could see it was the walls of the castle, alongside numerous guards and personnel going about carrying their business. Beyond the castle's walls, buildings as far as the eye could see laid before him, buzzing with life and another way of living, a much easier way of living he thought to himself. It was like a moving painting under his ever-watchful gaze.

An outsider with no knowledge of what was happening might find it difficult to understand why the King of such a prestigious nation, one that could be among the top in this entire continent, would be standing here while contemplating the disastrous situation they might be in. Well to such an outsider, where would be the best place to begin?

Of course, internal affairs, well that was practically all well and sought, except some of his scouts had caught a scent of what could potentially be an incoming attack on their capital. The source was sketchy at best and their knowledge of such a thing was so minimal outside of this one fact there was very little they had to work on. His anxiety stemmed from both the inability of his most elite forces of reconnaissance being able to pick any form of useful information and from his failure to oversee such a weakness earlier than now when the enemy could be at their door. This however took a backseat, despite its terrible implications, to the foreign affairs.

It had been several days, weeks to say, now since news had reached them that a dragon had attacked their neighboring country; Ducaria, the last human kingdom standing.

It was the duty of the Draconian Empire to keep all the dragons in this continent under check since most of them if not all originate from their lands. An attack from one of their kind could be seen as a form of mistrust and aggression under the worst of circumstances and a lack of care for maintaining their lesser brethren in check at best. Solely, even if this became a 'water under the bridge' sort of incident between both nations, the rest of the continent would have reason to doubt the strength of the Draconian Empire and its ability to care for such dangerous creatures.

It was a stain in their otherwise perfectly blank record, a show of weakness, a crack in their front so to say.

It fell on him now, the king, to deal with this matter delicately as possible. Outside his deep thoughts, in appearance, he stood calmly over the edge of the window but inside was a boiling anticipation caused by the unnerving waiting of further news.

Words should arrive soon from the capital of Ducaria, about the incident and what had occurred.

His broad arms tensed, and jaw clenched but for a moment and anyone near him could sense the air getting dry and unbearable to breathe.

Sure enough, some of the guards posted near the doors shifted uneasily when he did so. Even without turning to look at them, he could see from his peripherals that they grew uncomfortable as the clanking of metal broke the lingering silence.

He exhaled and immediately felt his muscles loosen turning the atmosphere back to how it had been before. The guard's sudden movements ceased at the same time and there was silence once again.

What felt like a stretch of time came and went when the doors to the room swung open. His eyes darted towards the now bare hallway; on the other side stood his most trusted advisor, Ellion.

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