Chapter 47- Reaching Destinations

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[Would you like to promote summons?]

A notification flashed at the side of her view. A number of her summons had reached the max level within this grade, and were now ready to be promoted. However, they were still combing the area, wiping away at any all monsters. Promoting them right now would cause them to lose a significant amount of power and they might be unable to eliminate anything afterwards.

It was a shame but she might have to let a bountiful amount of EXP die out. Prospectively, Inagumi and the dragon, who were higher grade and therefore had a higher-level cap were still gaining exp. There was a constant flow of new summons incoming making it hard for her to keep track of them all, she would have to take some time and organize them later.

She looked up front and saw could see Jiro walking a number of steps ahead. He would glance nervously over his shoulder every so often and would quickly look away.

Kami decided to break the tense atmosphere by asking him a question.

"Jiro, was it?"

"Jiro yeah, that's my name!" his voice cracked mid reply.

He hid his expression but Kami could see that he had grown embarrassed.

"You're a Hero, a human Hero. I was told there wasn't any human Hero class."

"I heard that a lot in my travels as well, guess I'm pretty special, huh?"

"Hmm, are you traveling alone?"

"Ye-no... yes! My friends were left behind when we teleported here. They're probably worried about me."

"Oh, I see. I hope you find them soon."

Jiro shook his head and responded with the same heroic tough-like voice he had been using whenever he wanted to come across as strong and cool. "They're strong, they'll be fine, I'm more interested in keeping you safe at the moment."

"I'm touched."

"Y-y-y-you're what?" he looked flustered.

Her words had clearly meant something entirely different in his mind.

"Grateful, a feeling of appreciation, thankful or pleased." Kami spoke up defining her intention.

"Oh, that makes... sense."

They were quiet for a while longer and this time Jiro was the one to ask.

"What's your name?"



"Is something wrong with my name?"

Jiro raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "It's strange, especially for a pretty girl like you I expected something more... hot."

This time Kami was the one to raise an eyebrow. Was he seriously throwing a jab at her name? What did her name have to do with her appearance?

"You know, you kinda stink at talking to people."

Jiro coughed and nervously laughed. "Really? People usually listen to my every word, I'm just that popular."

"That's because of your passives." Kami retorted. "They don't really hear what you say."

"My pass-how did you know?!" he looked back. His face looked like she had just figured out a dirty little secret and for all he knew, it was a dirty little secret.

"I was reading them along the way, is that why you don't think before you talk?"

"Ugh, you can see my passives?! You're invading my privacy!"

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