Chapter 15- Sneaking out of Heaven

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"Excuse me, Excuse me!" Say desperately chased after the nimble girl.

She moved with great ease between the crowds, as though she was a mere ghost. He thought about it for a second and realized that was probably because everyone here was a walking spirit.

"Hold on!" Say reached out towards the girl and managed to grab her arm. She turned around looking stunned at Say's aggressiveness.

"Who are you? Why do you bare a resemblance to the Creator? Are you an angel trying to trick me?"

She looked entertained at Say's curiosity. She shook her head and in turn grabbed Say by the arm when he least noticed. Somehow, she had loosened herself from his grip, and caught him off guard. Whoever she was, she was not just an average soul wandering Heaven. "You sensed my energy; does it remind you of any angel you've seen before?"

She was right. Even if angels shared the same energy from Creation as Kami, there was a noticeable difference between them. Even the strongest angel paled in comparison to the aura of power Kami produced, yet this girl was just a few steps behind. Whoever she was, she was significantly stronger than anyone else currently in Heaven, and the purest energy next to Kami's own.

"I'm trying to understand the situation. You must understand my worries, you walk into the restaurant and claim to know where Kami is. Your appearance is like hers and I do not recognize you from any of the beings who lived here. I sense I should be wary of something..."

She shook her head yet again. The air around her hair sparkled as she did so, once more the similar smile showing on her face. "It's not a trap Say, I genuinely want to help, trust me?"

Those words were a carbon copy of what Kami would say. Say was not sure if it were because of the similarities or just because he wanted to believe he would see Kami soon enough, but he decided to follow this stranger without another question. He sighed and nodded. "Very well, lead the way."

"Good!" her hand grasped around his arm as she pulled him through the buzzling city. There were skyscrapers whose skyline reached past one's own sight, building made of sturdy fine marble, streets decorated with jewels and other sparkly material. Everything looked clean and bright, the lingering aura of happiness and tranquility filled the air as the two made their way through the streets.

"We're almost there?"

"Exactly where are we headed?"

Her eyes gleamed with delight; a mischievous grin and a giggle "We're sneaking out of Heaven."

Say raised an eyebrow and could not help but chuckle. "Why would we sneak out of Heaven. I'm an Archangel, I can go and leave as I please no questions asked."

"Well I'm not exactly... the kind of person that they would let in and out."

"Are...are you a demon?"

"No! Of course not! I'm... I am someone that is not supposed to leave. If I go the normal way that everyone does, there will be a record of me leaving, and when they find out I left..."

Say's mind raced through all the existing souls in Heaven, but other than Kami, there was not anyone who could be much of a threat if they were to leave.

"I'll just blink us out."

"You know they keep a record of that as well."

"Not if I hid your energy."

She eyed Say from head to toe, shook her head again and sighed. "Not strong enough."

"You're just insulting me now. If you are so strong, you would be capable of leaving the same way Kami is, by eluding our surveillance."

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