Chapter 58- Invitation

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She had been prepared for this; well, not exactly this but anything dealing with filling in Kami's role temporarily.

Truthfully, she was completely unaware of why Kami had given her this role to play. Regardless, she had memorized every word that she had spoken before leaving nearly a whole week ago.

Now, she had a schedule and names jumbled up in her head. Every morning she was to 'wake up' head towards the Adventurer's Guild and use a temporary card that was given to her by Kami to log her name in. This was something number of adventurer's did as much as possible. Adventuring could be dangerous and so having some record of when and where adventurer's where last seen could really help save a life if their disappearance came into question. Only really one person worthy of mention that she could come across, Solomon, the guild master. There had been no interaction with him since her role as Kami's double began so there was no reason so far to worry about that.

Then she would normally head out at this point, avoiding any quests or jobs while she fulfilled her role and head towards Vaanier's Thread's, a tailor shop. It was much harder dealing with this, having to constantly interact with this person for long extended periods of times and having to duplicate Kami's personality as best as possible tended to be a bit draining on her spirit. Vaanier, the man in charge of the shop, was quite exotic and talkative, so luckily, she could keep the interactions to a minimum if he went on a role. She stood around mostly being used as a doll and was dressed in various other clothing, constantly being tugged and shuffled around the shop like an inanimate object before finally being allowed to leave. According to her sister, he was teaching her some mystical art, but her lessons were put indefinetly on hold until she could bring some materials in for her next project but meanwhile, she still had obligations to fulfill.

From there under Kami's instructions, she was to make her way to the Mage's Guild. For one reason or another though since she left, the Mage's Guild had mostly remained closed. Apparently, the guild master was in an absence of leave and so it remained unopened since then. She did not pry further and solely focused on the task at hand, normally being allowed to return home at this point.

She however found the slight interest of traveling around the city and greeting the people who were apparently ever so thankful for some deed Kami had done, something about a dragon attacking the city.

A few other names of people she interacted sprung to mind but these were mostly situational and had no use for them yet.

Her eyes darted towards Say who was calmly walking besides her as the guards surrounded them like a barrier between themselves and the outside world.

They were making their way towards the throne room, were the king, King Mellius, would be waiting for them to speak.

On the note of Say, he had been awfully patient considering Kami skipped out on him. Turns out she had made little mention of her leaving to him, and he was taking it quite well. He was lingering around her of course and would make a case of waiting around outside wherever she went. His presence attracted some attention, surely so as he was distinguished in appearance and wear and without particularly much need, he started being associated with Kami as her guard or apprentice, perhaps a fellow adventurer from a faraway land; so, the rumors went.

Either way, he composed far more than she had expected despite his sudden outbursts about her whereabouts from time to time. At least, he had not gone off on his own, had he done so, she would have been forced to stop him.

Despite the lack of emotion showing in her face, the thought made her smile a little inside.

Sure enough, they reached a large pair of doors and a pair of guards that had been standing idly in front of them moved towards the doors and pushed them open.

God's An Adventurer MvF: Volume INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ