Chapter 39- Time Passes

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Past the glass and cracks of the blinds a stream of light hit the surface of a bed in which Kami laid motionless. It was the bright star edged over the horizon who signaled the start of a new day to all those in Alzel. The mere warmth that gently touched over her skin brought her out from a deep sleep.

"Ngh..." she grunted in the still mostly dark room.

She rolled around in the sheets to get away from the light for only a while longer but it extended and kept its glow over her figure.

'Five more minutes, I'll just turn off the sun...for five more minutes...'

Kami felt herself doze off but never quiet lost conscious, her head was already working on what she would do today and falling asleep again at this point was impossible.

It was too comfortable to move yet, instead choosing to remain cuddled up next to her pillow in the soft embrace of the sheets while her gears started up. She felt the jolts of energy kicking in slowly, arms and legs becomes less heavy and her eyes adjusting to the increasingly illuminating room.

'Aaaah, another day, another fulfilling night sleep.'

Her head bobbed from side to side on the bed as she giggled and flailed her legs into the air whilst moving her arms back and forth on top the surface of the bed.

'Sleeping is so intoxicating, no wonder so many people like doing it even when they're not supposed to.'

She lifted herself off the bed and sat up on it.

It was still early in the morning; the sun of this world was barely peaking over the wall.

Kami let out a yawn and stretched, placing her bare feet on the surface of the hard wood. She stood and yawned once more for good measure. She walked around the room, preparing for another day in the city.

There was nothing particularly interesting about the room, it was just like any other someone would find in an inn. Bed, a counter, a small table and chairs to the side and a personal bathroom to use. Not a grand standing but it was cozy enough for Kami.

She headed towards the bathroom, and leaned over a small sink while she stared at her face in the mirror.

For the last couple of weeks Kami had been trying to live as human as possible. Sleeping, eating, showering, doing work, the whole nine yards but there were things that would just not happen unless she made them happen. Even with a mortal body unless she pushed some buttons, her true nature would sort of fix them up.

For example, waking up just to find that her hair was still perfectly done, no grease or oil, no messy hair bed, eye gunk, no saliva from drooling in her sleep, if she did. She opened her mouth and blew air into her hand to smell her breath. Of course, perfectly clean white teeth, no stink in her breath.

Her eyes gazed towards the shower and at least this had some use. No, she did not sweat or necessarily need to clean if she got dirty or dumped in let's say, a dumpster full of trash. Her own natural fragrance would eventually win out and any layer of dirt would eventually dissipate but if she timed it right she could get in a real mess and be back to shower before her own nature took care of that.

When she had tried showering it was hard to tell how many times a day, she should do it. Again, it wasn't necessary just something she had added into her daily routine similar to sleeping. The first few days she did it about three or so times but decided that was too many and dropped it to once a day.

"Not the time yet." she mumbled and headed back into the room.

After putting on some clothes making sure to double check, she had everything on, there was a long story about that, and hyping herself up in yet another mirror that dangled by one of the walls.

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