Chapter 53- Phoning In

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Somewhere far off into the unknown in a realm barely touched by Creation in a domain ruled in eternal darkness where the only light came from wisps of light that eternally moved back and forth aimlessly throughout its borders a certain being existed whose rule govern over any creature who lived here. Lived was a strong word considering the state of this world as only those who had no life to give and the messengers of their doom, reapers, inhabited the plain.

In this existence, in a poorly lit room far to the corners of what some even bothered going to, you could find said ruler locked in of her own free will.

This room was particularly darker and lonelier than most, since very few beings were allowed to come close. The only light you could see this particular time was a small dim screen underneath some sheets. One could hear the sound of some dings going off, the consistent tapping of a screen and the occasional exasperated sigh of a girl.

Here, Death itself, the ruler of what many mortal beings feared and shuddered uncomfortably at its mention; the being that is depicted as some terrifying creature of darkness and malevolent intentions found itself self-relegated to a NEET. How many out there would be disappointed that their life hangs by a threat and in her hands.

A short and cute sneeze came out from underneath the covers followed by a couple of sniffles before the sounds of tapping and dinging resumed.

She was locked in over a phone screen while a little figure dashed around passing some sort of obstacle. The character let out some yells and one liners which made the girl giggle sheepishly.

Then without much warning she felt the brushing of someone's hand against the face of her sheets and they were suddenly thrown off her.

She hissed and curled up trying to avoid looking directly at whoever or whatever had unwillingly removed the blanket barrier she had set up between herself and the rest of the room.

It was dark but by no accounts was it difficult for her to see. Briefly she saw the familiar face of her own personal assistant glaring down with a disapproving look before she buried her face and arms into her loose dark sweater.

"Ngggoh!" she let out a sound that could barely qualify as speech.

A heavy sigh and the being replied. "Use your big words, you sound like a caged animal."

She glanced back up from the crack of her sweater's flap and shook her head. "Give it back..." she said lifting her hand towards the blanket.

The tall figure looked even more frustrated as he tossed the sheets to the end of the room and crossed his arms. "Okay, get up, now!"

This was her personal assistant, as already pointed out, Sai. He was a reaper but by all accounts, resembled a business man. He was tall, wore a dark suit and had dark blond hair and green eyes reminding her of the color of moss.

She fell over, her head hitting the side of the pillow as she turned around and faced the wall phone still firmly between her hands. "No."

"Shi, you're behind on your workload, the other reapers are working overtime as it is."

Shi, as she had been called, yawned and planted her face on the pillow. "Yuff chanf git thired aghnwi."


She lifted her head and mumbled. "You can't get tired anyway."

Sai sighed and shook his head in disappointment. "Shi!"

She sat back up on her bed and stretched. Shi knew that Sai wouldn't stop nagging until she finally got up, the best compromise in this case was to get up, do a few things and return back to the comfort of her room before he piled on too much work.

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