Chapter 9- The Getaway

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"Who does she think she is? Acting like she knows what's what. Damn nearly pisses me off." Hiromichi thought as he laid motionless on the ground facing away from the other two. "I just want to get the hell out of here as soon as possible."

Hiromichi had been laying down for a while, the small campfire light had been extinguished and now the silence along with the luminance light from the moon were the only things surrounding them. He inhaled and slowly exhaled, his head racking around the conversation they had earlier.

"Why should I feel guilty about doing what I do? I do it cause... well..." his thoughts continued. "Tch, it doesn't matter! That girl's just getting to my head. Wonder if their asleep already?". He slowly turned his head, carefully to not make a single sound. The only figure he saw was Kami's, she was also laying down on the ground, her figure motionless eyes closed and her hands next to her face. Under the direct moonlight her crimson hair looked to almost sparkle with it. Her face rested with ease, she looked completely defenseless, no traces of the powerful girl that had easily outmatched him on her.

"She's a hell of an idiot. I can easily just escape now!". He slowly starting lifting himself of the ground, again, making sure to stay as quiet as possible. Once he did so, he glanced on the other side of were Kami laid, Himari also rested, her arm outstretched towards Kami's back. "Heh, well guess at least the little kid likes you, good luck to you 'Hero'".

He smirked with a sense of victory before turning his back and walking away. "This was too easy; she really was dumb! Bet she trusted me not to escape while she was sleeping, that'll show her for next time." He let out low sneer. With that he entered into the meadow of trees, and started running past them as fast as his legs would carry him.

"Heh! Damn this feels good! We're gonna get far away as possible from here maybe move on over to the Draconian Empire or the Dwarven State, hell I can go wherever I want now!" he yelled out into the night. He was confident he had gained enough distance to let out his voice without being caught.

He instantly regretted his action as he noticed a dark figure moved through the trees in front of him, only to steadily place itself in the way.

"Tch, I don't have time for this shit." he yelled out his hand raised into a ball of fist. He pushed his whole weight behind the punch, letting the full force of his fist hit against whatever was planning to get on his way.

He was surprised that he had come to a completely halt. Hiromichi was confident that whatever was in the way would have easily been knocked away at his full strength, yet he had been the one to force to stop.

He jumped back and took a closer look in the pitch darkness of the woods what had managed to take his full force hit. He could see an outline of a sort; a large shield being held up, the figure obscured behind it. A flashing light caught his attention, it was coming from his right. Hiromichi turned to see a ball of fire heading his way. He held his hand towards it and took the blunt force, the flames dissipating in the palm of his hand without any harm coming to him.

"Weak, what kinda shit you bringing against me?" he grinned.

The sound of clacking metal infront of him forced him to look forward again. The large shield was just a few feet away, all he heard were the word beings shouted.

"[Shield Bash]!"

The full weight hit him, he had barely managed to lift his other arm and hold it between himself and the attack. The impact dragged him back against the ground, but once he got a grip he came to a halt and started pushing against back. "You assholes, who the hell are you!?" he yelled out managing to push the person holding the shield back.

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