Chapter 26-Taking on the Dragon

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The dragon did not look pleased, it raised its own arms and swiped down and in return Kami raised her arm with the shield, which had now scaled down in size, and blocked the attack.

Its claws grinded against the bare shield without causing any harm. The beast did not let up though as it covered its opening by rearing its neck upward and from within its mouth a flame ignited and launched in her direction.

Perhaps it thought that its previous attack would leave Kami stunned or unable to counter its next quick strike but the dragon was wrong. She quickly raised her shield just in time to have the ball of fire collide with front and disperse into the air without yet again inflicting any damage.

This time Kami was the one to react as she raised her fingers towards the dragon. She focused increasingly on making her attack as impotent as possible and shouted out. "[Lightning Shot]!"

A streak of purple lightning bursted from her fingers tips and struck the upper chest area of the dragon. The attack managed to blow a burst of the dragon's outer scales and instantly set ablaze part of its now exposed skin.

The dragon recoiled, but it did not look to be in pain. It was more than likely that it was stunned at the fact that it had been hurt to begin with.

'Perfect, not deadly but good enough to show I can deal some pain to this thing!'

She aimed towards the now exposed area and shouted out again while the dragon was trying to figure out what just happened. "[Sonic Bullet]!"

Once more, direct hit, the compressed air hitting directly shredded and dug into the dragon's chest causing a chunk of meat and blood to explode outward. This time there was a clear indication of pain as it let out a devastating roar shaking the very sky around them.

"S-she hit it!"

"W-who is she?!"

'Distractions, focus.'

It was mad, its eyes now filled with rage and desire to kill her, so much so even she could sense it in the air. It lunged forward, a beast after its prey. Despite its large body it moved fast, and quickly closed any gap between the two.

It raised its arm once again and Kami braced the shield in front again predicting another one of its first attack.

'Again? Predicta-'

No, there was something different this time. Perhaps the dragon had activated a skill or a special move but its already long and sharp silver claws began to gleam as they swung down.

The attack connected, and to her surprise, cut through the ethereal shield hitting her in the process.

She clicked her tongue and let out a disgruntled sight in a fraction of the second that it took the attack to land.

'Fine, you win that one.'

Kami allowed the impact to send her flying back, she crashed into the ground and tumbled backwards.

She rose quickly mid roll and slid back, not giving the dragon the full satisfaction of its small victory to raise its ego too much.

The dragon was already flying right at her. Its mouth was wide open so she could only guess that it was going to try and chomp down.

She smirked raising her arm as high as possible over her head. "[Physical Boost]!"

A buff that would increase her physical capabilities, an unnecessary buff in truth considering she had unlimited strength at the moment, but it was an act after all.

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