Chapter 57- A Walk

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A number of days had passed since the prince returned home, back to the capital of Alzel. Things had began to look more lively across the city. Repairs done by the dragon were still underway but considering how fast it had been dealt with, there was nothing too crucial besides a few buildings here and there that had been completely obliterated.

Since then, the people had returned to a sense of normality and with little to no idea that the prince himself had gone missing to the more common folk, it all looked to be returning to a more peaceful time.

This was no more than usual another usual walk along the streets that Say and Shi had now been doing ever since arriving at the city. That was an entire week ago.

A few heads turned here and there but for the most part their presence had become something expected. They exchanged greetings with those who recognized them and even had a few small gifts given to them. Small packages of food, drinks, handmade presents and crafted jewelry with stones made of little to no value. It was pretty insignificant presents but for the most part they could tell the appreciation that came from each little trinket or dish that they were given.

Say nodded for what felt like the hundredth time that day and thankfully accepted another small box wrapped in cloth, another to add to the piles.

"We are grateful, truly." he spoke carefully trying to make himself sound as gentle as possible.

"My, what a young handsome man, I had only thought about giving something nice to the Hero who saved us, but I might have to make something extra next time too."

The lady, middle aged, was clearly flustered at Says simple act and words and it showed clearly on her face.

Say tried holding back a little more, realizing this was still too much. He decided to give one last sign of acknowledgement as he nodded his head and started walking away from her. With that he gave a sigh of relief and looked back at Shi who had been quietly walking alongside him this whole time.

"It wouldn't hurt if you said something to them either."


He sighed again and raised the box into the air, with a flick of his wrist he tossed it lightly into the air and it vanished from sight.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine..."

"Are you now, I thought perhaps you would find the socialization a bit overwhelming."

"I can handle it...if Kami wants me to do this, I can do this..."

Say was impressed as he nodded his head in agreement. This was the right way of thinking for his kind of course but he was under the understanding Shi did not have the same level of fanatism for Kami as the angels did.

"Speaking of-"

He glanced at Shi again and carefully looked at her wear. It was the same exact clothing Kami would have, the white blouse, the skirt even the sneakers. Was it not for the half-closed eyes and the cold dead expression they would truly look the same.

"-why exactly does she have you walking around pretending to be her at a scheduled time?"

A day into arriving at the city, after a night of Kami going unhinged across the streets in a half-drunk state, she had asked Shi if it would be possible for her to wear her clothing and take up on some of her tasks. The idea was that no one would be able to tell them apart. Truthfully, he was surprised no one had even questioned the fact that the two of them had been walking around together before, Kami and Shi, and now seemed to think that Shi was Kami.

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