Chapter 44- In the Dungeon

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Kami's humming echoed throughout the Dungeon while she walked aimlessly in the direction of whatever path presented itself before her.

Getting here had been an easy feat, flying was incredibly convenient for long travels like this. Once she had found the Dungeon all she really had to do is step inside and she found herself in entrapped by these large cavern walls. The way back had completely disappeared behind and everything inside was scaled to a much larger size than from the outside. It was like this was its own dimension pocket.

"They should be here somewhere."

She had gotten an abundance of information from the masked man, like what he was planning, how he was going about it, who he was working with, lots of little other details. Importantly above everything else, she had learned about the Dungeon and his plan to remove the cities line of defenses by sending adventurer's and the very same nation's army in here to slowly die off. To what end goal even he wasn't sure apparently, despite his huge involvement in this, this God of Calamity did not reveal his true intention.

"Gods, why are there always gods."

They were fickle beings, high above others and constantly meddling in mortal affairs. Almost every universe was flooded with them in one form or another. God was supposed to just be a name she used, no other meaning and no different than an average joe. The first iteration of these beings knew her existence and because they never really fully knew the true difference between someone like them and herself, they went about and took the name as a form of pride and comparison. Ever since in every universe, subconsciously in one way or another, they would end up calling themselves gods or having others address them as so. Her name forever lost and lowered to the same standards as these lesser beings.

Despite how spiteful that sounded in her head, she had no ill will towards them. After all, most probably did not even know of an existence outside their own universe.

Kami digressed though; the Dungeon was the thing at hand.

Another little fact that had brought both joy and equal pain was knowing where Asahi and the others had been. Turns out Y, among the commotion of the dragon's attack had kidnap her group. Turns out he had made a move of his own without her knowledge, they had become one of the first if not the first victims of this created death trap. He must have believed that by removing her allies from the board that somehow, he was weaking her position or gaining the upper hand somehow, foolish thoughts. She had done very little investigation at the time about their whereabouts. The only thing she had learned was that they had checked into the adventurer's guild and there were no dead bodies found of them. To try and avoid any distress she chalked it down to 'they left, their fine, let's go find some new friends.'

Perceptively that was foolish and a bit immature, also very unkeen. Humanity was complex and she was managing it poorly overall despite her fascination for it. She wondered if there was a version of her out there that was dealing with this better.

At this point though they had been stuck here for a number of weeks. Would they be happy to see her? She certainly felt a spark of happiness at being able to see them and selfishly know that they had not abandoned her. It helped her face the idea of remembering them. Part of her did not want to admit it or mention that they had done so, in thought or person, but now that she knew they did no such thing, she felt a lot better. Thinking further into it though, would they even still be alive at this point?

She relinquished the thought and continued. Other points of interest where the large amount of people that were currently trapped here. They were well within the hundreds now, both adventurers, guards, even some average commoners. Normally the disappearance of so many people would have impacted a city ruled over directly by the king but since Y had him and the rest of the nobles basically wrapped around his every word, very little consequences came from this.

God's An Adventurer MvF: Volume IOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora