Chapter 31- Private Conversation

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The empty hall was far aways from the life of the party. The sounds were nothing but an echo away at this point, the sound of their steps overlapping the more they moved away.

"This way." the masked man spoke opening a room. His words were direct and sharp, and she could sense there was an allure to them.

She nodded, following closely after the king who had made his way in first.

The room was just that, a room, furniture lined up before a fireplace that was going off, books covering the walls shelves and a large round table at its center. It was cozy and much less regal than outside.

"Take a seat, please." the king spoke as he made himself comfortable on a sofa.

Kami again listened and sat down paying close attention to anything that might be said.

The king silently gazed at the fire dancing for a moment or two, but eventually turned over. "I say this with my full gratitude, I thank you for everything you've done so far, you have been a very gracious traveler and helped even when you owe nothing of this kingdom, and for that I am grateful."

"It's fine, I was just doing what I thought was right."

He nodded. "I understand, that's why we second guessed telling you this."

She blinked, confused at what he meant but she didn't have to ask about it before he continued.

"The dragon you killed was more than likely one from the Draconian Empire. A neighboring nation of ours. The dragon that was defeated was likely one of their kin, much more beast than them, but nonetheless, kin."

She looked back and forth between the masked man who was standing idly by the table and the king. "Is that a problem?"

"Depends, normally its acceptable for another nation to kill a dragon if its outside their borders. There is no law or treaty against such act, especially when the thing attacks another lands capital. However, this is a perfect excuse for them to start trouble."

"How so?"

He took a deep breath and slouched on his chair. "You might be lacking on some crucial information from our side of the world, so allow me to explain. Nations on this side use Heroes, defenders and followers endowed with powers from the gods as a main form of military power. The Draconian Empire currently has one, unfortunate for us we do not."

She looked silently at the king waiting for him to continue. What was he trying to get at?

"We have amicable relations with their nation, but we do not interact much outside a few trades and treaties, in other words, our relationship is solely based on grounds of business. If this was to somehow offend them, then these would mean nothing if they decided to attack."

Kami was getting the larger picture. Her killing of the dragon could start a war between the two countries if they were to choose, and because of their advantage over this country, being that they have a Hero, then it would end in their defeat.

"I understand." she replied.

He nodded and glanced at her with pitiful eyes. "If I must tell you the truth, we sent an envoy with a message detailing the events of the attack, in just a few days' time they will know of your involvement in said attack. We were very vague about your identity but it would not be too far fetch that they would assume, that you are a Hero after our careful messaging."

'Ah, so that's how it is.'

She was to be used as a front to prevent this war, they made her out to look like something she did not claim to be in order to avoid conflict.

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