Chapter 55- Light-Headed

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Kami had frequented many establishments during her stay in Alzel particularly those that many others tended to gather and socialize. She had many favorites and her reputation among these establishments had grown due to how often she frequents them. Among those though there was one she always went to whenever she wanted to try something a little off and less than comfy.

At the corners of the city, tightly located between an alley a worn-out sign reading 'The Veil Boozer' hung on a rackety door. Finding this local required a bit of looking and hardly anybody came. She had stumbled across this quaint little business one day she decided to explore the cities ins and outs. At the time she was not even sure that the tavern was opened but to her surprise and delight it was.

It was here that Kami and company found themselves sitting across from each other on wobbly chairs, arms crossed on top of a less than appealing wooden table. It was clean by all intents and purposes, what made it so unappealing was the age it showed, having much of the edges torn and pieces of wood ripped from its flat surface. The overall inside was something similar, aged and bleached from the frequent attempt to clean at its surface giving the once bright wood walls a white-washed appearance. There were a number of other seats and tables lined up across all in similar or worse condition and at the end the bar which was no better looking than the rest of the place. Short story, it was a very old location that had not been worked on in decades.

Kami rocked back and forth on the uneven chair happily waiting for the order she had placed. There were not many other patrons, two or three spread out in their own table trying to mostly avoid eye contact with each other. The few who did visit this place were usually shady people or those who had secret dealings to discuss in a more private manner. She was probably the exceptions as her visits were mostly for the excitement of it.

Say looked uncomfortable while he looked at every corner of the tavern. He was unnaturally stoic in his chair, arms and hands closely over his lap as if the mere touch of anything in this room would be disgusting.

"This place is quite... antiquated." he said pausing to be as kind about it as possible.

"It smells..." Shi bluntly said.

There was indeed a funny aroma about this place that came from the kitchen in the back. This had not been the case before Kami came here and this was reasonably why Kami was always excited when she was here.

"Oh, thank god, I thought perhaps I was the only one feasibly smelling such a thing, it smells horrendous."

"It's nice..." Shi hummed in response.

"Ugh, I forgot you've always been akin to such foul smells. Your job forces some strange habits on you."


"Don't be so sour about it, I was just playing around." Say quickly added not wanting to upset Shi.

"It's okay... I don't really mind..." Shi looked up at Say and shrugged.

"You're still a slouch after all this time, could you sit up straight."


"Use your words."


"Don't stare at the floor when someone talks to you."


Kami had forgotten the dynamic between Shi and Say. She thought back after all these years on how both of them used to get along. Thinking now, it was likely that they were friends back then maybe even more so genuine than what Say and herself had. Say always acted something like a watchful protector over Shi or an instructor. They had genuine eons worth of time spent together back then, before she created mortals.

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