Chapter 45- Meeting the Protagonist

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What were these monsters. His stay in this universe was not very long but he had never come across something like this. Mostly any monster that he had come in contact with had been a breeze to handle.

The golden cladded wolves, three of them, walked around eyeing his every step. He held his swor steadily between his hand, the tip aimed directly at one of the creatures. They were not attacking and to this he grinned.

He had managed to kill off two of them, so they were being warry of him and playing defense. He felt pride at seeing such powerful monsters taking caution.

'Well, I am the protagonist, I should probably be dominating these monsters by now.'

Sad, there was no one else here to see him deal with these guys in some cool fashion combat.

The waifu girl and the obnoxious assistant looking man were the last people he remembered seeing.

Back at the gateway, when the waifu had called forth a Hero, he had sprung up into action without a second thought. The monster they had awoken was not particularly too tough, he managed to take it down in a few strikes as he stood between her and the creature. This seemingly backfired, because as soon as he killed the giant scorpion, the gateway had activated and since he was standing directly on top of it alongside those two, he had been teleported here as if by magic.

Jiro, winced and gritted his teeth. He was the main character of this game world, that he knew for certain and the waifu somehow not ending up with him in this situation was totally not how it should have gone.

Ideally, when they were teleported away and into this cave, they would have ended together in the same location, maybe he would have arrived first and she would have landed on top of him where his hand would have accidently grabbed onto her chest while under the excuse of trying to catch her. She would have acted flustered and depending on her type, maybe called him a pervert or plain out found herself shy and internally enjoying what he had done. The other guy would be nowhere in sight and they would be exploring this dungeon together while she grasped onto her arm and claimed not to be scared but shivering with fright as he led her through this ordeal. Then upon the stumbling on these creatures she would think they would die or be hurt but he would step in and show his overwhelming strength much to her surprise. From there feelings would form, they would grow closer and-

What was this guy doing?

Kami circled the guy standing idly, frozen and unaware of her presence. His face was red, eyes unfocused and mouth hung open while drool dripped from the side of his lip. She snapped her fingers over his face but there was no reaction.

Normally, she wanted to say that this man was probably paralyzed, stunned, or in a deep trance. This would be the typical reaction to seeing someone in such a state while standing in the middle of a Dungeon infested with monsters. A monster might have gotten to him and left or was using him as bait for other unexpected victims.

However, something about this situation spoke to her not as an adventurer but as a woman. The amount of time she had spent living with humans was short and limited but this was one of those things like the party or when a man would stare at her a bit too long, a female sense kicked in and one word sprung to her head subconsciously.


That was the first time she had ever described a situation like this with such a negative connotation and she immediately felt a little guilty about the thought.

"Well, I don't think he's in any sort of danger but-" she raised her hand and flicked his forehead. "-[Purify]."

His neck sounded like it almost broke backwards as it swung back and his entire face grew white. It sprung back forward like a bobblehead and for the first time there were signs of life in his eyes.

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