Chapter 36- Wooooooo!

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Howling, incessive howling playing back over and over in her head, it had been like this for the past few minutes as she flew in the sky. The city was getting closer by the minute and so she wanted to enjoy the landscape for now.

"What are you doing in there? Why are you howling?"

The howling stopped and instead was replaced with a heavy pant.

'Honoring... fallen...'

"You've been going at it for a while now."


This was a strange experience; she had never had someone else voice directly speaking with her before in her mind. The closest thing she could compare it to was prayers. If she ever tuned into people praying an endless ocean of voices would flood in. The only difference being that she could talk back to this voice, and this voice just happened to be from a soul inside her own being.

"How can you talk?" that was honestly her first curiosity.

'Learned... from humans...whispered... into wind.'

"Whispered into wind? Hmmm, who are you exactly?"

'Wolf now...wind once...I wake one day and... tail, claws...hunger, wolf accept me wolf...I am wolf.'

Was it a spirit at some point, is that what he was trying to say? Maybe it meant it had been part of the wind and gained a physical form. His speech was butchered but she tried to understand as best as she could.

"Okay, I think I get it, why were you attacking the humans?"

Inugami was silent for a moment, but eventually the voice spoke out again.

'I don't know...'

"Eh, you can't be serious, you don't know?"


"So, you do know?"


It playfully panted again, its heavy breathing echoing in her head.

She pouted and decided to move on. "Are you angry that I killed you and your wolf kin?"

It let out a howl before answering.

'Yes! I was... in here... peaceful... kin and I... we like it here, new home. Far from humans, yet...close. Hunger...gone.'

Kami had a few questions from that alone. "Hunger, what hunger?"

'Instinct...gone, screaming...ordering...kill...urge gone...we are...happy.'

Urge to kill gone? Perhaps it meant that as a monster it instinctively wanted to attack and kill anything and anyone in its way, she felt she was getting a better understanding of Inugami.

It continued panting, as though it was a dog being taken out for a walk. Her eye lit up for a split second.

"Can you feel the wind?"

'Yes! We...feel...what master... feels! Wind...nice...'

So, they could feel and sense what she did, they were tied in more than just a master-servant relationship. She wondered if it was possible to get a sense to how they felt.

"You said your kind, can you talk to them in there?"

' I... feel...not see...'

"What about the dragon?"

'Big lizard? Hmph...don't feel...'

It sounded a bit angry when she mentioned him. What could be the reason for it sensing the other wolves but not the dragon, was it because they were kin or perhaps because they were connected in some other way?

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