Chapter 27-A Hero

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"R-really I'm fine now."

Kami found herself sitting on a stool surrounded by a few people dressed in robes and hoods. Their hands hovered over her; a blue cloudy aura flowed from there hands.

"Please, this is the least we can do, b-besides we can sense that we have not given enough mana for you to be safe."

She furrowed her eyebrows and said nothing else.

They were going to be at this forever at this point. These were some of the temple healers, once who specialized more in this area than an adventurer within the same field would. They had brought her here after she had dealt with the dragon and although they did not find any injuries or anything wrong with her HP, there was a problem. Accordingly, they could not fully sense her mana, which would have made sense if she truly had expended her entire poolset during that fight, the issue was that she had infinite of it, so this did not make much sense.

There was two explanations for this; one, although she had infinite mana, as long as she was not releasing any amount somehow these templar could not sense anything from her, meaning that they might has well think that she is a dried up well. They kept pouring their energy hoping to alleviate this but as long as she didn't let out any mana, whatever they were using to measure how much she had was ineffective.

One of the templars staggered and stumbled onto a nearby bed.

"A-a moment, I grow weary."

She glanced nervously towards the healer who was now looking pretty drained. Kami continued; two, the fact that she had infinite mana was not a scale that was readable in a statistical menu based around numbers. Meaning that when their skill to check how low her mana was, even though they could sense some of it, the scale this world allows was so miniscule compared to infinite that it made it seem like she was drained. Basically, if this world capped mana at one million, in comparison to infinite mana, it would seem as though she had nothing in the tank regardless of how big the number actually was.

The second one was a less plausible, since it relied on the idea that they could only sense things based on a percentage rather than how much mana she actually had at the moment.

'I'll release quick burst just to see. They'll be completely out of it and never get anywhere otherwise.'

She felt as the flow of mana poured out from her body and the men quickly responded.

"T-there! It's finally going up!"

"P-phew, t-the amount of strength you have is amazing."

One of the chuckled nervously and added. "We were almost out of energy ourselves; you must be really high level to make so many of us tire out at once."

"Haha, I'm sorry." was all she mustered.

'So it was that.'

The process continued quietly for about another minute. Kami made sure to carefully raise her energy little by little.

"I-it's strange."

She glanced at the man who had spoken out. "What is it?"

"I can tell your mana is rising b-but I can't tell exactly when it'll stop."

'S-so it's a little of point two as well, ngh...'

Luckily a knock came from behind them, where the door only lightly opened and a man in guard armor peaked his head in. "Lady Kami?"

She recognized the voice, it was the guard who had given his name back at the gate, Ruvinenius.

"Ruvinenius, hi!." she said happy to see a reason to stand and end the interaction with the hooded men.

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