chapter twenty-six

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chapter twenty-six | the curiosity killed the cat

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chapter twenty-six | the curiosity killed the cat

SOONER THAN LATER, the rest of the group woke up. They chatted quietly over breakfast before starting their day with chores and after Rick had a quick discussion with Lori, he was swarmed with questions about Randall.

Daryl walked up with his angel vest over his long-sleeved gray shirt and crossbow around his back. Laurel immediately noticed the bloody knuckles he had.

Rick sent Daryl off earlier as she cooked breakfast with Carol when everyone was waking up and he disappeared, Laurel didn't know where but she put the pieces together once she saw.

"Boy there got a gang, thirty men. They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. They roll through here, our boys are dead. And our women, they're gonna―," Daryl glanced at Laurel who stood next to Dale before advertising his eyes elsewhere, "they're gonna wish they were."

Laurel's chin raised. She knew what type of people she was in the bar with last night. Who she and Rick killed.

"What did you do?" Carol asked, naively.

Daryl glanced down at his hand that rested on the strap of his crossbow before letting it hang at his side to try to hide his bloody knuckles. "Had a little chat."

"No one goes near this guy," Rick warned the group.

Lori turned around to him, "What are you gonna do?"

"We have no choice. He's a threat," he clenched his jaw, "we have to eliminate the threat. It's settled, I'll do it today." He announced before anyone had a chance to speak up.

Laurel watched Rick walk off with Dale hot on his heels, disagreeing with his decision to kill Randall.

Laurel was cleaning up the dishes from breakfast at camp when Dale came back over, planting his feet in front of her. Laurel sighed, stepping around Dale with plates in her hands, and going toward the water buckets where they cleaned their dishes. Her jeans began to get moist when she pressed her knees into the wet grass.

"Laurel, are you with me on this? Saving this young boy's life?" Dale started, standing behind the brunette.

Her long locks covered her tired face as she scrubbed the dishes with a sponge, dipping them in the bucket before placing them on the empty towel next to it to dry. Dale ranted behind her as she continued to clean in silence. She didn't want to disappoint Dale, but she didn't want to lie to him either. So she did what she does best, stay silent. Sooner than later, Dale gave up and went on to find someone else to stand with him instead.

Cassie was walking toward Hershel's with Carl by her side talking about one of his comics he wants her brother to read, asking if she wanted to read them as well, and she shrugged why not. She was massaging her wrist, which was hurting her a lot more today than previously.

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